【禁聞】紅頭文件列禁區 南方報系自我噤聲


















採訪/易如 編輯/李明飛 後製/周天

Communist Regime Internal Regulatory Document Lists 13 Censored Topics

As the 18th National Congress approaches,

the Communist regime carries out frequent purging activities against the media.

For days, outspoken media in Guangdong and Shanghai

experienced sequential shocks from the authorities.

Among them, the Nanfang Daily Press Group received

regulatory documents listing 13 censored topics after submitting

up to 17 self-critique reports to the Central Propaganda

Department around June 4 (Tiananmen Movement memorial).

This stability maintenance initiative prior to the National

Congress further confirms the so-called political reform is only an empty promise of the Communist regime.

This May, Yang Jian, Vice Minister of the Propaganda

Department of Guangdong,became the first Party Secretary of the Nanfang Daily Press Group promoted from elsewhere.

Hong Kong’s Ming Pao Daily News reported that

as the Party Secretary, Yang Jian quickly ordered review processes of three newspapers and two magazines under the Nanfang Daily Press Group.

The “review” process refers to the internal censorship

controlled by an appointed person. Prior to this, only two newspapers, the Southern Weekend

and Southern Metropolis Daily, were under regulation.

Guangdong political commentary writer, Zhu Jianguo:

“The upcoming 18th National Congress and the increasing social conflict under the severely damaged economy in Guangdong have led to the escalated suppress of the media. The democracy and political reform previously preached

were therefore meaningless."

It is reported that the CCP internal confidential and regulatory

document usually in red headings was issued to the Nanfang Daily Press Group.

With “13 Censored Topics”, this document officially

standardized the regulation formerly known as only verbal orders.

The 13 censored topics include the issues

that run against policies at any level,

that incite unlawful assembly, association, and procession,

that are related to pro-democracy movement and Falun Gong.

It is also alleged that censored topics are not limited to

the 13 focus points in the internal documents.

Jiao Guobiao, former associate professor of

School of Journalism, Peking University, believes that

the 13 censored topics are areas the CCP operate in black box.

The CCP would not allow any report and disclosure

by the media. They are also prohibited from public discussion and awareness.

Li Datong, former editor of the Freezing Point,

a weekly supplement of the China Youth Daily, indicates that

the Review process presents the CCP’s intention to maintain

stability and serves no surprise to the journalists.

Li Datong, former editor in chief of Freezing Point: “Tightened

control prior to the National Congress is nothing new.

None of these are allowed to be reported by any media

at any time."

Ming Pao Daily News also revealed that around June 4th

(the Tiananmen Massacre memorial), subsidiaries under

the Nanfang Daily Press Group submitted a total of

17 self-critique reports to Central Propaganda Department.

This high volume shocked the employees

of the Nanfang Daily Press Group.

Prior to this, the Southern People Weekly had

a special report based on an interview with

Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, and

a witness’s oral history of the great famine of the 1960s.

Both reports were considered challenges to national policies.

The Nanfang Daily Press Group therefore specified

a specialist to “review” the content and clearly requested the Weekly not to “give a handle to others.”

For a whole week when the shocking Shifang protest occurred,

the outspoken Nanfang Daily Press Group

did not publish article about the Shifang incident.

It was alleged that a total of 8 articles were killed

during that time.

Jiao Guobiao shared his opinion of Nanfang’s self-censorship

behavior by referencing the “aiming the gun 1cm higher as dictated by your conscience” that the judge told the Ingo Heinrich case

after the Berlin Wall was torn down.

Jiao Guobiao, Former Peking University School of Journalism

Associate Professor: “The journalists also have their own rights of 1cm when dealing with the forum and topic.

This 1cm right is powerful enough to break down the

prohibition from the Central Propaganda Department.

Every journalist should fully operate his 1cm right.

In addition, on July 16, Guangzhou New Express Daily

closed a number of news pages due to its published articles

that touched the sensitive nerve of the authorities.

The editor-in-chief, Lu Fuming, was dismissed.

On 17 July, Lu Yan, president of the Shanghai Oriental

Morning Post was removed from the office, and Sun Jian, the deputy editor, was suspended.
