












採訪編輯/李蓮 後製/鍾元

Analyst Said Chinese Astronauts Fed Special-Supplied Food Like Mice In A Lab

As Shenzhou 9 spacecraft was launched, a mysterious food

supply base for the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) astronauts was revealed to the public.

Chinese civilians criticized the existence of such a food base

when poisonous food is all over China.

People said it showed how the CCP spent taxpayer’s money

recklessly on image projects.

Political commentator Wu Fan said that the astronauts fed

with special food were like mice in the lab

since they served as tools for glorifying the CCP’s authority.

Deep in the desert of northwestern China there is an oasis

which is the food supply base for Chinese astronauts.

According to some Chinese media, this base allows no

outsider to enter;

It forbids any oil-driven vessels and even bicycles so they

guarantee food with zero pollution for the astronauts.

Wu Fan says: ”This indicates that ecology and environmental

pollutions in China are so bad everyone is endangered by it.

The CCP has no way to solve the problem; it can only exploit

a little land to produce safe food for several people.

This is just like feeding mice.

Mice are fed with the best food, but they are only tools for

performance or experiments and thus have no human rights.”

It is reported that in the special base pigs are raised naturally

with no pollution involved.

They are fed only with corn and wheat bran and not given any

artificial feed.

All fish naturally grow without eating any fish feed.

Experts strictly test if parasites or chemicals still remain

in the fish before they are cooked for the astronauts.

Livestock are also fed with natural weeds.

Duck eggs are directly laid by wild ducks.

Hu Jun, co-founder of “Rights Movement” says: ”As one

aspect of the CCP’s strategy of training “elites”,

the special food supply for astronauts is similar

to that for athletes.

Instead of building sports facilities for Chinese people, the

CCP spends taxpayer’s money on a very small elite group.

This is in fact destroying the athletes themselves,

as proved by lots of examples.

To advertise itself as 『the great, the bright, and the right,』 the

CCP needs image projects to support the regime’s legitimacy.”

Milk production for astronauts isolate the cows for a month

to make sure that no chemical will leave in the body.

In other words, it is just for producing milk with zero pollution.

Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily remarked that it is very hard to

produce special-supplied milk.

This indicates how serious the food safety problem is in China.

The report said special food for astronauts reminded many

Chinese of all the poisonous food in China over recent years.

Food such as; Melamine milk powder, pork with lean meat

powder, hydrogenated oil, ceresin wax rice, food with Sudan Red or Malachite Green have appeared.

Shocked foreign media remarked that the Chinese were

killing themselves.

Hu Jun, co-founder of “Rights Movement” says: ”We can see

initially some local governments refused to admit existence

of poisonous food, but finally most of them accepted it.

The CCP excessively exploits natural resources and Chinese

people and it has no respects for lives.

The only way for the CCP to make wealth is looting.”

According to a BBC report, one Chinese netizen said he lived

in such a polluted environment and unfair society.

He ate poisonous food every day and didn’t think the launch

of Shenzhou 9 had anything to do with him.

Another netizen from qq.com questioned “why can’t the

authority just work more on solving social problems?”

Wu Fan, political commentator says: ”The special-supplied

food is only for the CCP’s image projects.

These include developing its army and increasing space

control, strengthening its power to realize its political needs.

To achieve this, the CCP never cares about benefiting Chinese

people and spends whatever amount of money it likes.

Of course it is unfair to ignore all the civilians and feed

only a few people to enhance its image.”

Another netizen “Yiyi’er’er” said that, “after reading articles

about the special food supply base for astronauts,

I sighed deeply hoping that I can live at that base,

which would extend my life at least for 20 years”.
