【禁聞】權鬥加劇 推遲十八大之說又起


【新唐人2012年5月10日訊】英媒:權鬥加劇 推遲十八大之說又起












British Media: The 18th Party Congress Delay Infighting Intensified

After the Wang Lijun incident, the world is concerned about

the Chinese Communist Party』s (CCP) infighting.

On May 8, Reuters reported that three sources said the CCP

was considering to move its 18th Congress, originally

scheduled for September or October, to sometime between

November and January.

The report said the delay would primarily aim to shorten

the transition for the new leaders, who won』t start in their new state roles until March 2013.

It said the delay can also shorten the new leaders ruling time,

extending current leaders』 period of control.

The reporter quoted a source as saying the delay would also

give time for debate over the size of the standing committee.

At present, Hu Jintao』s allies want it cut to seven, of which

they would likely hold a majority.

However, others want it expanded to 11 to accommodate

rival factions.

The reporter said the two most senior posts of Chairman

and Premier were not considered in much doubt.

However, the remaining Standing Committee seats would

fuel speculation of infighting.


Chen Guangcheng: Did Central Regime Order Imprisonment

On May 9, blind activist Chen Guangcheng requested CCP

again prove they didn』t give the order to imprison him.

Chen urged to punish those responsible.

In Beijing』s Chaoyang Hospital, Chen told AFP by telephone

that he had been brutally abused for over two years.

He completely lost contact with the outside world and was

often threatened and beaten.

The guards also confiscated his television and radio.

However, Linyi authorities in Shandong haven』t given

any explanation for the imprisonment of Chen and his family.

Chen said that the central regime should prove they didn』t

Order Shandong officials to persecute him.

Chen requested the central authorities investigate the crimes

of Shandong』s lawless officials over the years.

He said that if the central regime doesn』t want to carry out

the investigation, the public will believe that the central regime gave the order.

In a video, Chen issued a public appeal to Premier Wen Jiabao,

so far there has been no response.

At present, Chen is isolated in Beijing』s Chaoyang Hospital.

He and his family aren’t allowed to leave the hospital.

The authorities still keep visitors away from Chen, some

are beaten and put under house arrest.

The Voice of America reported that on Wednesday Chen told a

reporter that he commissioned Chinese officials for his passport.

However, there is no further progress, neither forms filled

nor had photos been taken.
