











採訪/朱智善 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬


The “Chongqing Model”: Bad Debts Bo Left

When Bo Xilai ruled Chongqing, he engaged in vain projects

and left bad debts.

Some reports pointed out that the “National Development

Bank” injected massive funding into Chongqing.

Therefore, the bank is in an awkward position now:

to continue to invest or to withdraw categorically.

Recently the “National Development Bank" denied the

rumor and mentioned that risk in Chongqing is under control.

However, it is hard to eliminate public doubt.

These huge construction sites record the history of

“Chongqing Model” and Bo Xilai.

Bo’s “five Chongqing” construction goals involve

nearly one trillion RMB investment.

However, these constructions left hidden

debt problems for Chongqing.

Recent political events have just accelerated the

outbreak process.

Reuters reported, huge debts from the “Chongqing

Model” let nearly $100 billion loans from “National Development Bank” get stuck.

The financing platform of local government

in China gets risky.

Gong Shenli, an expert on Chinese issues said, in order

to win over the people,

Bo spent a lot of money on social investment projects,

It included Argentina and Brazil’s soybean program.

Chinese issues expert Gong Shenli: “When I saw the

information, I questioned what Bo did.

This program includes 3 million acres of land,

almost US$10 billion, and Bo made the decision himself.

It is ridiculous to buy land and plant soybean

in Argentina and Brazil.

However, Bo paid for the first phase of the project,

without consulting a feasibility report.”

Gong Shenli thought, Chongqing got a lot of support

from “National Development Bank”,

while other local government can’t obtain

the same treatment.

The “Chongqing Model” is unsustainable without

a special policy from central government.

In the annual report of “National Development Bank”,

loans related to Chongqing infrastructure include:

the 2010 loans for “Second Ring Eight Shot” projects,

with a balance of 33.74 billion RMB and the cumulative commitment amount of 50.68 billion RMB.

The 2009 loans for the 3rd and the 6th line of Chongqing

light rail, include cumulative commitment amount of 11.19 billion RMB.

Xie Tian, professor at University of South Carolina, U.S.,

said, from 2010 to 2011, fixed assets investment of Chongqing is more than 1.45 trillion RMB.

However, local fiscal revenue plus central subsidies

are less than 800 billion RMB,

which means most of the fixed asset investments are

from bank loans or private-sector investment.

Xie Tian said the capital chain of Chongqing could

break at any time if no follow-up funds are injected.

Xie Tian, professor at University of South Carolina, U.S.:

“The Chongqing issues can be seen as a microcosm of the whole Chinese economy.

Chongqing has been much concerned since the

Bo Xilai event.

Bo attracted a lot of Taiwanese businessmen to invest in

Chongqing by using his guanxi and personal guarantee.

However, the guanxi and guarantee are based on Bo’s

political status.”

Therefore, after Bo stepped down, the investments of

Taiwanese businessmen are in danger.”

Xi Tian said, without follow-up funds, the capital chain of

Chongqing will break, and all the constructions will become so many bottomless projects.

It will lead to project bankruptcy.

In fact, the whole of China is facing the same problem.
