



Chen Guangcheng Escapes House Arrest:

Chinese Authorities Start Large Scale Arrests


Chen Guangcheng escaped from his home in Linxi

in Shandong.

He’s now being protected by the U.S. Soon afterwards,

Chinese authorities started a large-scale arrest.

Several people who helped Chen escaping were arrested

or disappeared.

Activist Hu Jia who met Chen before was also

questioned by police.

A group of dissident scholars and human rights activists

in Beijing, Sichuan, and Shandong were questioned by local police, one after another.


Hu Jia was in the police station for over a day, and was

released and returned home on the evening of April 29.

Hu Jia told NTD that he wasn’t treated with violence,

the police focused on how Chen escaped successfully.

They wanted to know who helped him, and when he met

Gary Faye Locke, the US Ambassador to China.


Sources said that Chen’s nephew Chen Kegui

disappeared after he protected himself in self defence.

Chen Kegui’s wife has left for Jinan with her son,

and consigned a lawyer to deal with this case.

Voice of America said, Chen Kegui contacted a lawyer

on April 29.

He said that he was chased by a black car, and his life was

in danger.


Netizens revealed that lots of police are now in Chen’s home

village, Dongshigu village in Linyi of Shandong province.

They are intensively arresting Chen’s family and friends,

whom possibly assisted his escape.

據《路透社》報導,胡佳的太太曾金燕呼籲更多的人來關注陳光誠的安全,她表示, 目前,大家看到的情況是,陳光誠的支持者、幫助者和家人受到進一步的迫害。而對陳光誠進行迫害、行兇的人卻沒有得到懲罰。她希望國際社會能夠盡最大的努力來幫助陳光誠,去保障他的人身安全,以及他的家人的安全。

According to Reuters, Hu Jia’s wife Zeng Jinyan appealed

that more people should pay close attention to Chen’s safety.

She said that, currently, Chen’s supporters, helpers, and

family are being persecuted even further.

However, those persecutors haven’t been punished yet.

She hopes that the international community can do their best

to help Chen Guangcheng, and to protect his personal safety and his families’ safety.


Some media reported that Chen is believed to be sheltering

at the US embassy in Beijing.

The US government has so far not commented publicly

on the whereabouts of Chen.
