【禁聞】軍委五調查組赴雲貴 還有誰涉薄案?















採訪/常春 編輯/宋風 後製/蕭宇


Five Military Teams To Investigate Bo

HK’s English newspaper South China Daily reported

on April 15, about further investigation on Bo Xilai’s case.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s Military Committee sent

out five investigation teams to deeply investigate Bo’s influence in the Chengdu Military Region.

Bo Yibo (Bo Xilai’s father)’s old troop,

the 14th Military Group, is also under investigation.

An insider revealed: “Five groups have been assigned

to the Chengdu Military Region,

to investigate whether and to what extent senior officers

or troops under the jurisdiction are involved with Bo’s case."

CCP Military Committee Vice Chairman Guo Boxiong

recently also appeared at Chengdu Military Region in a high-profile.

Guo issued orders, “All follow the CCP Central Committee,

CCP Military Committee, Chairman Hu Jintao.

Do not listen, believe or spread any political rumors.”

This is obviously related to Bo Xilai’s case.

When Hu Jintao visited abroad last November, Chengdu

Military Region vigorously conducted military exercises.

Minister of Defense, commanders and party secretaries

of Chengdu Military Region and Tibet Military Region all showed up and supported Bo.

Around the time of the Wang Lijun incident, Bo Xilai

visited the 14th Military Group stationed in Kunming, and was highly welcomed.

Apple Daily commented in the recent month that CCP and

military media expressed loyalty to Hu Jintao again and again,

demanding the military to “listen to chairman Hu,” revealing

Bo Xilai’s intention of military coup is not a mere fiction.

Commentator Han Wu thinks between May and July

is the time to take care of Bo Xilai’s issue when the 18th CCP Congress prep-meetings are held.

He said the CCP authorities must first clear Bo’s influence

in the army.

Han Wu: “Hu Jintao controls three powers,

the party, the country and the army.

The party secretary of each province is the party secretary

of the military region. This is the CCP system.

Their power depends on military.

So they are afraid when fighting with Bo Xilai.

If they do not clearly remove this political power,

they will face the same situation as Bo.”

Once Bo Xilai was dismissed, a China media mingjingnews.com

exposed that Bo refused to collaborate during the investigation.

He told the investigators that Zhou Yongkang requested

and approved everything he did. Zhou is the boss.

So he refused to take full responsibility.

Also, mingjingnews.com mentioned Bo’s wife confession,

that she was the messenger between Bo and Zhou, and that Zhou knows everything they did.

Plus, mingjingnews.com exposed Zhou’s killing

of his ex-wife, as well as his corruption and sex scandals.

Xia Xiaoqiang (News analyst): “Earlier, sources told

The Epoch Times that the conspirators plan was not only done by Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang.

Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong planned to use Bo Xilai’s

campaign to gain control of China in about two years after the 18th CCP Congress.

They were to then use Bo Xilai’s control of police and army

and Jiang’s army to remove and even arrest Xi Jinping.”

Xia pointed out that Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang used

huge amounts of money from corruption to buy senior CCP and military officials and commanders.

Their carefully planned coup failed

due to Wang Lijun’s defection.

On April 16, mingjingnews.com revealed information

from an insider among the Beijing top political circles.

It said that CCP’s Politburo recently held a secret extended

meeting and made two decisions, including starting secret investigation on Zhou Yongkang.

Regarding this, Xia expressed that Zhou Yongkang

had been completely abandoned by the Jiang’s fraction.

He is left alone in the Politburo Standing Committee.

Now Hu and Wen are removing Zhou and Bo’s influence

in the military by having the military declaring loyalty to Hu,

investigating the Chengdu Military region, replacing CCP’s

Central Guard Bureau’ leader and commander of the 38th Army, etc.

When the military forces finish their declarations, this will be

the time for Zhou Yongkang to be publicly removed.
