【禁聞】周永康去留成焦點 溫習力主調查









倪玉蘭夫婦曾長期為政府強徵土地受害者的權益,提供法律維權幫助。 2002年和2008年,倪玉蘭先後兩次因「妨礙公務」和「破壞公物」罪名入獄,被拘押期間遭獄方毒打致殘,只能靠輪椅行動。倪玉蘭曾經是律師,2002年被取消律師資格。

倪玉蘭的遭遇引起國際關注。美國前駐中國大使洪博培離任回美國之前,曾看望倪玉蘭。去年年底,荷蘭政府向倪玉蘭頒發「人權捍衛者鬱金香獎」。今年1 月,董璇代母親去荷蘭出席頒獎儀式,在北京機場被禁止出境。

Wen-Xi Suggests Investigating Zhou Yongkang

After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) announced the
investigation of Bo Xilai, infighting soon extended to
Zhou Yongkang, head of Political and Legislative Committee.
Information from a reliable source was recently exposed
on the Boxun website by Qiaofu.
High-ranking officials discovered Bo Xilai’s “Singing Red
Songs and Fighting Corruption” campaign was supported
by Zhou Yongkang.
This is an important step for conspiracy plans
to seize power.
Qiaofu said that whether or not Zhou is dismissed has
become a focus point of CCP infighting.
Wen Jiaobao suggests investigating Zhou according
to law and party discipline.
Xi Jinping also believes that Zhou should take the
initiative to make his problems clear.
So far, there is no confirmed news about Jiang Zemin.

Officially Confirmed Heywood Died of Cyanide

Overseas media are still concerned about the death of
British businessman Neil Heywood.

On April 16, the BBC Chinese website quoted an article
from The Daily Telegraph.
It states that according to a report compiled from
“a technical police file” that Wang Lijun handed over to U.S.
diplomats, Heywood was poisoned with cyanide on the
order of Bo Xilai’s wife, Gu Kailai.

The Daily Telegraph said this report was prepared by
investigators working for government officials in Beijing.
It said Heywood was never given an autopsy and was
quickly cremated.
Wang Lijun collected his own evidence in the 36 hours
between the bodies discovery and the British being informed.
Wang held the evidence for about 3 months, quietly
investigating all the evidence involving Gu Kailai.

The BBC Chinese website reported that a Downing Street
spokeswoman said that Prime Minister David Cameron met
with the CCP official Li Changchun on April 17.
Cameron may have talked about the Heywood case.

Gary Locke Urges Release of Human Rights Lawyer Ni Yulan

On April 16, U.S. Ambassador to China Gary Locke urged
the CCP to release disabled activist Ni Yulan
and her husband.
On April 10, a court in Beijing accused the Ni couple of
“disrupting public service” and “fraud”. Both were jailed.
Locke declared on Monday that he was worried for
Ni Yulan’s health condition.
Locke also called for the end of the house arrest
of Ni’s daughter.
The EU urged for the “immediate release of Ni Yulan.”

Ni and her husband provided law information for the victims
of enforced demolition.
From 2002 to 2008, Ni was jailed twice for the so-called
“disrupting public service” and “damaging public property.”
During her detention, she was beaten until she was disabled,
relying on a wheelchair.
Ni was a lawyer, but was barred in 2002.

Ni’s story drew international concern.

Jon Huntsman, former U.S. Ambassador in Beijing
visited Ni before he returned to the U.S.
At the end of last year, Ni was rewarded the “Netherlands
Human Rights Defenders Tulip Award”.
On January, Ni’s daughter went to Holland to attend
the award ceremony for her mother.
She was stopped in the airport in Beijing.
