【禁聞】美議員再促白宮 公布王立軍真相





在此之前,羅斯雷提南在習近平訪美前3天,曾致函國務卿希拉里(Hillary Clinton),詢問王立軍是否曾在總領事館填了申請表格、要求政治庇護,遭到白宮拒絕。






同時,「英國廣播公司BBC」28號證實,王立軍曾接洽英領館會面,但最後沒有去,而是去了成都美領館。美國國務院情報官員譚慎格披露,王立軍準備去英領館,可能和英國商人海伍德(Neil Heywood)去年11月在重慶離奇死亡有關。








採訪/秦雪 編輯/宋風 後製/蕭宇


Reveal Truth of Wang’s Case

Wang Lijun, Vice Mayor of Chongqing and former director

of Chongqing Public Security Bureau entered the U.S.

Consulate General in Chengdu on February 6.

Two months later, people still are discussing

the Wang Lijun event.

The United States or Chinese authorities will not mention

the reasons for Wang entering the U.S. Consulate.

U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Relations Committee

recently asked the U.S. Department of State to clarify it.

On March 28, there was a hearing about the ‘China threat’.

U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee

Chairman Ros-Lehtinen criticized the Obama administration.

They tried their best to make Chinese Vice President

Xi Jinping’s visit successful.

They may therefore have refused Wang Lijun

to seek political asylum.

Chairman Ros-Lehtinen: “The Obama administration

is unlikely to reject an asylum-seeker, who may be

a high-value intelligence source.

In this process, there are many questions

needing answers.

I have made a request to the Department of State,

and am now waiting a detailed reply.”

Chairman Ros-Lehtinen had written to Secretary of State

Hillary Clinton three days before Xi Jinping’s visit.

She asked whether Wang Lijun filed application forms for

political asylum at the Consulate General.

The White House refused to reply.

Following this, Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee

of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the U.S. House

of Representatives made an announcement.

They were to commence investigation against the Wang Lijun

Case on March 19.

They may hold a hearing for the case in the future.

Ye Ning, a human rights lawyer in Washington DC,

said it is a loss that the White House refused Wang.

Wang had a lot of intelligence value.

Ye Ning: “On the intelligence value, this practice caused

heavy losses to U.S. national interests and national strategic


Moreover, abandoning Wang so early, may lose an opportunity

for democratic reform in China."

Ye said that if Wang Lijun stayed in the Consulate for a few

more days, it could cause quite a different situation in China.

It is the best opportunity to promote division within

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Ye said this is a great pity.

The practice of US is the same as Communist China

returning refugees to N. Korea.

Ye Ning: “To return Wang Lijun to the Chinese authorities

within 24 hours, without screening, shows the U.S.

government’s complete disregard and flagrant violations

of international public law.

It shows a complete disregard of United Nations Convention."

Meanwhile, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)

confirmed Wang Lijun had approached the British Council

for a meeting.

It did not go, and went to the U.S. Consulate

in Chengdu instead.

According to the U.S. Department of State intelligence official,

Wang Lijun got ready to go to the British Consulate.

It might be related to the mysterious death of British

businessmen Neil Heywood last November in Chongqing.

Ye Ning said that after Bo’s accident, the CCP has introduced

three ‘anti-humanity’ measures.

Firstly, the two sessions of the National People’s Congress

(NPC) passed a law allowing secretive detention to be legal.

Secondly, it allows lawyers to be forced to devote to the CCP.

They cannot get a license if they refuse to sign

a special statement.

Thirdly, is the ‘Internet real-name system’.

These measures, together with Wen Jiabao’s remarks

on reform, confused many people.

Ye Ning: “Persecution of Falun Gong practitioners mainly

happens in concentration camps under forced labor system.

The CCP has detained about 750,000 people long term

in forced labor camps without any legal procedure.

“Provisional Regulations on Re-education through Forced

Labor" was conducted for over 60 years.

This was promulgated by the State Council.

What did Premier Wen Jiabao do to implement

universal values and reform?”

However, the Wang event has led to chaos within the CCP.

The CCP newspaper, People’s Daily, published an article

on Mar 29,

It called for “Being highly consistent with the CCP Central


Being clear-headed in big issues and having

a firm stand on policies.

Voice of America quoted Professor Zhou Xiaozheng

in People’s University of China.

It said the CCP had no longer mentioned struggle between

two principles after the smashing of the “Gang of Four".

Now it suddenly said to “Stand firm on the principle".

The subtext is that there are two views in the central CCP.

They have different groups in the central CCP, or else why

is there struggle between two principles?

The New York Times reported on the issue on the 30th.

The nine Standing Committee members of the CCP

Political Bureau in Central Committee discussed whether

to remove duties of Bo Xilai as Party Secretary of Chongqing.

Zhou Yongkang who is in charge of Political Committee,

cast a negative vote, which was rare.

Principle struggle within the CCP

is not difficult to understand.
