



「希望之聲電臺」特約評論員蘭述;「在這個時候出來說,很可能和王立軍事件有關係,這是避重就輕麼。與其是讓國際媒體關注王立軍是否帶出了活體摘除法輪功學員器官的資料,還不如說這個就是從死囚犯身上摘除的器官 。」



「追查迫害法輪功國際組織」負責人汪志遠博士表示,在中國,器官移植供體由親屬捐贈的只有0.5% ,而死囚器官還受「組織配型」、「冷缺血時間」、處決時間和地域等的限制,利用率也不過30%。 因此,用死刑犯無法解釋1999年以後,中國器官移植數量暴增的供體來源。何況暴增的時間正好和中共迫害法輪功學員的時間相同。



中共活體摘除法輪功學員器官的黑幕,經由加拿大人權律師大衛‧麥塔斯(David Matas)和加拿大前國會議員大衛‧喬高(David Kilgour)獨立調查,而被公諸於世,震驚了全世界。其中兩人第三次的調查報告已被翻譯成《血腥的活摘器官》出版。麥塔斯在書中表示,這是「這個星球上前所未有的邪惡」。


Ministry of Health Camouflages CCP’s Organ Harvesting

Mar. 7, at the Chinese People’s Political Consultative

Conference, Vice Health Minister Huang Jiefu said,

prisoners under the death sentence are main source of organ

transplants in China.

More recently, at the annual session of National People’s

Congress, CCP again brought up this topic.

Foreign media interpreted it as a strategy of vaccination,

in case Wang Lijun released the truth about organ harvesting:

that persecuted Falun Gong practitioners remain one of the

main sources of organ providers.

Media critic Lan Shu said CCP used to jump between admission

and denial regarding prisoners as source of transplanted organs.

This time, Ministry of Health officials admitted this during the

two Conferences, which is connected with Wang Lijun incident.

Lan Shu, critic at Sound of Hope Radio Network claimed:

CCP recognizes prisoners are main source of organs to date.

It is probably related with the Wang Lijun incident,

serving as an evasive strategy against the real truth.

In case international media become concerned with Wang Lijun’s

revelation of organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners,

CCP would rather admit dead prisoners are the main source.

Recently World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of

Falun Gong practitioners,

released a report charging Wang Lijun for his Involvement

in organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners.

It points out, as director of Jinzhou Public Security Bureau

from May 2003 to June 2008,

Wang Lijun directed a project on organ recipients

after drug injection.

Within two years, that research center carried out several

thousand organ transplantation operations.

According to Amnesty International, however, between 2000

and 2005, the average number of executions in China was 1616.

Therefore, the Research Center Wang directed is suspected for

its source of organs.

Lan Shu says: “Did Wang Lijun obtain some proofs of

organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners?

Did he deliver those materials to the U.S. Consulate?

Or did he send them oversea’s through various other channels?

This is partly why Wang has attracted continual attention.”

Dr. Wang Zhiyuan, director of World Organization to Investigate

the Persecution of Falun Gong,

says that in China, organs donated by relatives

only count as 0.5% of all transplanted organs.

Due to restrictions in tissue matching, cold ischemia, time and

place of execution, only 30% of executed prisoners’ organs are used.

Therefore, CCP can not explain the surge of

organ transplantations in China after 1999,

which is exactly the same time as the persecution of

Falun Gong practitioners.

Wang Zhiyuan said: “In 20 years before 1999, liver

transplantation in China totaled 100 cases,

with numbers escalating after 1999.

By 2006, annual liver transplantation amounted to 5686 cases.

From 2006 to 2007, when the international society became

concerned over CCP’s organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners,

Mainland China still carried out 4231 liver transplantations.”

Wang Zhiyuan pointed out; one has to wait for years before

a liver transplantation outside of China,

but Mainland China shortens the time to 1-2 months.

In China the time for kidney transplantation is 1-4 weeks.

Even county-level hospitals in Mainland China

have started organ transplantation.

Wang Zhiyuan said, such large scale kidney transplantation

requires a huge and living bank of organ providers.

Meanwhile, since CCP started persecuting Falun Gong, a large

number of Falun Gong petitioners were arrested and disappeared.

Due to investigation by Canadian human rights lawyer David

Matas and former Congressman David Kilgour,

CCP’s organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners was revealed,

which immediately shocked the world.

Their survey reports have been published under the name

“Bloody Harvest.”

Mr. Matas said in the book, CCP’s organ harvesting

is an “unprecedented evil on this planet."
