【禁聞】陸新年人權急劇惡化 黨媒四度詭辯



















China’s Human Rights Situation

Has Worsened Since Chinese New Year

Since 2012 Chinese New Year, China’s human rights

situation is getting sharply worse.

In recent days, continuous outbreaks of mass Tibetan protests

have been suppressed by the police, causing dozens of casualties.

Meanwhile, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has

stepped up its crackdown on dissidents.

Facing international concern and condemnation, the CCP’s Medias

claimed “today’s China has the best human rights situation ever.”

On January 29, the CCP’s mouthpiece the People’s Daily accused

US-based Human Rights Watch of politicizing human rights.

The organization’s 2012 Global Annual Report was blamed

for intentionally emphasizing the Arab Spring.

And expecting the CCP’s collapse through human rights issues.

Chen Xu, Secretary to the CCP’s Foreign Ministry,

even claimed that using the human rights situation

to pressure China is futile.

Seeing the CCP Medias’ claim of human rights progress,

Sichuan Aba Tibetan area broke out in a mass protest on Jan. 26.

A Tibetan youth was arrested for posting protest flyers,

thousands of demonstrators encountered official repression.

One person was shot to death by the police,

with several being injured.

According to AP reports, on January 23, in Ganzi, Sichuan,

thousands of Tibetans protesters marched to local authorities.

The police fired on the crowd, three were killed and

dozens were injured.

One day later, two more Tibetans were killed. Both the

U.S. and UK governments have expressed serious concern.

This January also witnessed Tibetans being beaten and


Tibetan temples are forced to worship CCP leaders』 portraits.

The current situation in Lhasa is very tense.

Lots of military vehicles and tanks are seen heading towards

the Tibetan area.

The police investigate pedestrians and passing-by vehicles.

Sources say that Zhou Yongkang, secretary of CCP’s Central

Political and Law Commission arrived in Ganzi on Jan. 26.

Zhou is said to be overseeing the repression.

On Jan. 25, CCP official media Xinhua News Agency

confirmed that police had opened fire.

The official report alleged that Ganzi-based Tibetan

“separatists” had attacked the police station.

Dawa Tsering, chairman of the Tibet Religious Foundation of

His Holiness the Dalai Lama reveals more information.

The CCP regime has killed over 1 million Tibetans, destroyed

over 6,000 monasteries, yet has failed to conquer the Tibetan spirit.

Now no less than six million Tibetans will not yield.

Dawa Tsering says: “China’s authorities regard Tibet as a colony.

Violent repression is deemed a normal means for them.

In their view, Tibet is the vanquished, and they should

use violent rule and conquest over the area.

The regime never regards the Tibetans as national people."

The CCP regime recently mounted a crackdown on petitioners,

family church members, among others.

In January, Li Tie, Wuhan-based dissident writer was sentenced

to 10 years in jail for the Crime of Subverting State Power.

In late 2011, pro-democracy activist Chen Xi and dissident

Chen Wei were both handed 10- and 9-year jail sentences respectively, on the same charge.

Ni Yulan, is an imprisoned Beijing-based human rights lawyer.

The police blocked her daughter from going abroad on Jan. 25.

Dong Xuan, Ni’s daughter, had been scheduled to receive an

award of 2011 Human Rights Defenders Tulip from the Dutch government.

On Jan.29, Dong’s residence suffered two police searches.

Ni Yulan was arrested three times for defending the victims

of forcible demolitions.

Ni was tortured to disability, her own house also being

forcibly demolished.

Charged with the crime of provocation, Ni went to trial in late

2011, yet no verdict has been given so far.

In December 2011, the CCP’s Beijing court withdrew the probation

of Gao Zhisheng, renowned human rights lawyer in China.

Gao was jailed for three more years, with five years probation

This act has incurred condemnation from the EU., the U.S.,

UN agencies, and Amnesty International, among others.

Freedom Now, an international human rights organization,

recently petitioned the UN Human Rights Council.

The non-profit organization appealed for the UN to

urgently overture the CCP regime over its arbitrary detention of Gao.

Bob Fu, president of China Aid, a US-based Christian human

rights organization, has reviewed Gao’s case.

Gao has long been disappeared, kidnapped and tortured.

Gao was said to be currently held in Xinjiang desert prison, yet whether alive or dead is unknown.

Bob Fu says: “So far, the case of lawyer Gao has more than

just touched the bottom line of China’s rule of law.

In terms of humanitarian and basic personal freedom,

It has been beyond the bottom line of both.

Over the past five years, Gao was basically controlled by

China’s governmental security department.

So far his life or death is unknown."

Navi Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, felt

deeply let down over the CCP’s mounting aggressive repressions.

Western media commented on the fact that China’s worsening

human rights situation has cast a shadow over CCP vice president Xi Jinping’s incoming U.S. visit.

NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Zhou Ping
