【禁聞】民主人士: 關注陳光誠不「幫倒忙」









1999年,中共開始鎮壓法輪功,至今已經有12年的時間。 2001年1月23號,中共江澤民集團一手導演了天安門自焚慘案。這起世紀偽案正是在國際的關注下,才得以澄清真相。






International Pressure: A Disservice?

A New York Times』 article by the Chinese media professional

Xiao Shu provoked criticism by netizens and media.

According to Xiao Shu, US politicians are doing a disservice

to the blind human rights lawyer, Chen Guangcheng.

He believes the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities

“went further ahead when public opinion got heated up.”

However, China』s democracy activists called on international

community to continue paying attention to the civilians』 human rights violations in China.

In 2006, blind human rights lawyer, Chen Guangcheng,

was sentenced by the CCP for exposing atrocities

in carrying out the one-child family policy.

In September, 2010, Chen was released from prison,

but put under house arrest.

Thereafter, Chen and his family suffered inhumane treatment,

and frequent beatings.

His plight has caused wide public concerns,

both in China and overseas.

This September, Chinese civilians initiated a campaign

of “Free Chen Guangcheng."

Netizens, reporters, writers and lawyers at home and abroad

went to visit Chen in Shandong.

But visitors were violently driven away by mafia thugs,

hired by the CCP』s local authorities.

Chen』s case also drew attention from international media

and the US Congress.

Chris Smith, US Republican Congressman and Chairman

of the Congressional-Executive Committee on China,

planned to visit Chen with parliamentary delegation.

However, this could not eventuate, as the CCP authorities

rejected Chris Smith』s visa application.

Xiao Shu, China’s renowned public intellectual,

published an article in New York Times, on November 15.

In it he stated, international community』s concern over China』

dissidents is doing a grave disservice, as Beijing would not bow under this pressure.

Zou Wei (Democracy activist in Zhejiang): “The international

community has concerns over China』s civilians human rights.

Their attention should not be seen as a disservice.

Whether Chen Guangcheng or other, we think international

community』s attention is promoting human rights in China.”

Zou Wei said that Chen’s case clearly illustrated

CCP regime』s blatant violation of citizens』 human rights.

Zou believes that without international society』s attention,

Chen Guangcheng』s situation would be even worst.

Liu Yinquan (Chair, Chinese Social Democratic Party):

“The international pressure isn』t enough; it is too little in fact. It hasn』t yet reached a critical point.

If international human rights organizations, political parties,

Western politicians and people from other sectors could intensify efforts against CCP』s human rights violations,

that would help Chinese people get away

from the CCP』s repressions. “

In 1999, the CCP started the persecution of Falun Gong,

which has lasted for over 12 years now.

On January 23, 2001, the CCP, led by Jiang Zemin, staged

Falun Gong』 self-immolation incident on Tiananmen Square.

It was the international society』s attention,

that helped bring the self-immolation truth to light.

Zou Wei: “Initially, many people practiced Falun Gong,

as it』s beneficial to the health and teaches people to be good.

So, the practitioners include all those kind retired elders,

villagers, teachers, etc.

I』d like to say, among those I』ve seen,

Falun Gong practitioners have higher morals.

So I think this treatment to kind Falun Gong practitioners,

as toward enemies, suppressing them, persecuting them, is definitely an evil deed.”

Zou Wei appeals to the international community to pay more

attention to human rights of China』s civilians,

including Falun Gong practitioners,

petitioners, and rights activists.

She hopes Chen Guangcheng will gain freedom soon too.

Rep. Smith told Voice of America that paying a visit

to Chen Guangcheng and his wife was very reasonable.

He did not understand what it is that the CCP authorities

are trying to hide.

This year, Rep. Smith was appointed chairman

of US Congressional-Executive Commission on China.

On November 1, he held a special hearing

on Chen Guangcheng』s case.

Rep. Smith also proposed a motion to the US government

to reject visas to any CCP official,

involved in human rights violations,

like torture and forced abortions, among others.

NTD reporters Tang Rui and Xiao Yan
