【禁聞】北京人大選舉 民間政治改革呼聲大











陳永苗:「現在這個維穩機制,它就有點像殺手軟件,就像計算機程序殺毒一樣,它認為,像獨立候選人這樣子的東西是個病毒, 它不管你的動機是為了促進它改良還是為了幹甚麼,它是不管你這些的。」





Political Reform Vs. “Stability"

The district and county level elections for

National People』s Congress (NPC) have concluded.

After the votes are counted, the election will move into

background check phase.

Election results will be announced in mid November. All 23

independent candidates were blocked from participating.

Political Scholar Chen Yunmiao believes that the louder

citizens』 call for political reform, the harder CCP (Chinese Communist Party) enforces stability.

Is this type of reform likely to happen?

This year』s election had the most independent candidates

compared to past elections.

However, independent candidates』 online campaign ads

were deleted by the regime.

Some were restricted from getting votes, and others

were disqualified even after submitting enough votes.

Political Scholar Chen Yongmiao studies independent

candidates in mainland China.

He said that a trend can be seen from this year』s election,

which is that the general public wants a political reform.


Chen Yongmiao: “The independent candidates, like those

in Beijing and Guangdong, were pretty much all wiped out.

Which means, this is not the way to go

to push for democracy, I think.

However, I see this as very meaningful,

because it motivates people to fight back."

Beijing resident Mrs. Ge wanted to participate in the NPC

election, but officials at her workplace rejected her request.

Mrs. Ge: “When I asked for candidate card,

they stopped me from participating. I said then I won』t participate.

They said, 『everything is decided, why participate?』

I said even if 90% vote for me, I won』t get elected."

Mrs. Ge was also threatened. After the threats, she called

independent candidate Liu Ping, asking for help.

Liu Ping: “She called me a lot yesterday asking for help.

She said she might be in danger, police might do something to her and affect her family.

I told her citizens have the right to vote,

you have the right to vote for whoever you want.

There is no legal regulation, you don』t have to vote

for this or that person."

Chen expressed that the general public is seeking

a crack in the system,

but as the voice for political reform grows,

the regime』s control over mechanisms also grows.

Chen Yongmiao: “This control mechanism,

it』s like an anti-virus software.

It thinks independent candidates are a virus,

it doesn』t care what your motive is, it doesn』t care."

In China, each workplace has an “election committee"

in charge of checking the qualifications of the candidates.

They only announce the final candidates list and don』t give

any reasons why these candidates are in the list.

According to a survey on Sina micro-blog, most people have

not seen the candidates and don』t know what their views are.

44% were told who to vote for; 4% said they voted against

orders; 22% said they got the voting card, but didn』t vote.

Chen expressed that he doesn』t see much hope

in this method of independent candidates.

To push for political reform in China,

a new way must be found.

NTD reporters Zhu Zhishan, Li Ting and Li Anan
