【禁聞】15歲女荊明 孤等親人歸來










北京海銘律師事務所律師 鄔宏威:「他們是…究竟是散發傳單,還是印東西,還是打標語?這得看他是否符合它的(法律)構成。」





CCP Ruins Family for Their Belief

Jing Ming, a 15-year-old, is the daughter of Jing Yong』an,

a Falun Gong practitioner in Kangping County, Shenyang.

She, her parents and elder sister were kidnapped

by police this June.

Jing Ming was released the next day, but the other three

are still illegally detained.

It is said that the so called “Jing family case” is now handled

by local Procuratorate of CCP (Chinese Communist Party).

After being released, Jing Ming lives alone and for 3 months

now the young girl faces the burdens of life by herself.

She is taking care of the crops in the field,

and goes to ask the CCP authorities to release her familiy.

Minghui.org reports that since CCP』s ex-leader Jiang Zemin

launched the persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999,

similar to other Falun Gong practitioners in China,

the family of Jing Yong』an was subject to persecution.

This quiet and happy family now has been torn apart.

Under CCP』s ruling, any Chinese civilian who sticks to

the belief in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance,

will face sentencing, detention, disability or even death.

Wang Zhiyuan (Spokesman, WOIPFG [World

Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong]):

“This is not the only case happening in China.

There』re too many cases to be reported.

CCP』s persecutions of Falun Gong is very cruel,

beyond one』s imagination."

In the evening of June 1, about 20 Kangping』 policemen

broke into the home of Jing Yong』an.

The family was handcuffed and kidnapped,

taken to a local police station.

Police seized private possessions, like computers..

On June 2, Jing Ming was taken home by her relatives, but

the other families were illegally jailed in detention centers.

In May 2007, Jing Yong』an was captured by the local police

when he and another Falun Gong practitioners were hanging

banners about the persecution of Falun Gong.

Jing Ming and her elder sister Jing Dan wrote letters

to all concerned departments of CCP authorities,

demanding the release of their innocent father.

In the letter they wrote, “We grew up with our father』s words

and deeds…especially after practicing Falun Gong,

he told us to act according to Truthfulness, Compassion

and Forbearance.

Our father regained health from practicing Falun Gong,

he also repaired appliances for the neighborhood

and received wide praises.”

Seeing the CCP』s persecution of Jing Yong』an,

487 villagers signed a petition for his release,

but received intimidations from local CCP authorities.

Jing Yong』an was detained for reeducation through labor.

Wu Hongwei (lawyer, human rights law firm, Beijing):

“Whether they distributed leaflets, printed something

or displayed banners, the judgment should

be based on constitutive elements of the law.”

Wang Zhiyuan said that WOIPFG has learned

that around October 1 (PRC National Day),

the CCP authorities will begin another wave of arrests

of Falun Gong practitioners across China.

Wang Zhiyuan: “For 12 years now the CCP authorities

continue to take such actions on its so-called sensitive days.

Currently, the CCP becomes more panicking. With civilians』

understanding of the CCP』s nature, it feels very nerves.

The CCP always uses the persecution of Falun Gong

or other groups to divert public attention,

and tighten its totalitarian control.”

Wang Zhiyuan believes CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong,

in reality ruins the human moral conscience.

He urges the international community to work together

and stop this persecution as soon as possible.

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Zhou Ping and Xiao Yu
