









廖亦武現年52歲,曾於1995年和2003年兩度獲得美國赫爾曼•哈米特寫作獎;2002年獲《傾向》文學獎;2007年獲獨立中文筆會「自由寫作獎」。《底層》英譯本《THE CORPSE WALKER(趕屍者)》,由蘭登書屋出版並暢銷。美國權威文學雜誌《巴黎評論》連續4次推出他的專輯,使他逐步進入了西方主流文學界。廖亦武另一本《上帝是紅色的》英文版也將在美國面世。


Political writer Liao Yiwu

Liao Yiwu is the most representative of

contemporary Chinese writers from the lower class.

He is well-known internationally and

his works have been translated into other languages.

However, his works have been banned in China.

He was jailed for 4 years for his poem “Massacre”,

which commemorates the victims perished in 1989.

Liao Yiwu used to be a passionate contemporary poet.

After being imprisoned in 1990,

he began writing a book titled “Testimonials,”

which is about to be published in Germany.

This book describes Liao’s experiences in prison and

how the state machine tortured and abused him.

Since now he is forbidden to leave China,

he cannot travel to Germany to promote his book.

Liao told Deutsche Welle, “My mentality has changed.

I used to consider this as something I can’t bear.

I was furious. I thought that I suffered a lot

and that I was mistreated.

Now, I see all the suffering as my teacher.”

Four years of imprisonment propelled Liao

to get close to the people.

World Chinese Weekly reported that the themes of

Liao’s works are usually about marginalized groups,

such as thieves, migrant workers, the homeless,

prostitutes and petitioners.

His completed works include “The Survivor”,

“Interviews with the Lower Strata of Chinese Society”,

“China Unjust Court Cases”, “China’s Petitioner Villages”

and “The Last of China’s Landlords”.

In the preface to “Earthquake Insane Asylum”,

Yale University’s Kang Zhengguo called Liao a

“Dung Digger,” always digging the dark side of society.

Deutsche Welle pointed out that while Liao’s works

always portray the vulnerable groups in China

and about the ugly and the dirty sides of China,

he never comments on China’s current affairs,

so he never consider himself a “political writer.”

In China, it’s very hard to see Liao’s published works,

as most of his works are banned. Liao was detained

many times, and his properties have been confiscated.

If you are lucky, you might find a hand printed copy.

Liao, “Some things normal in western countries,

such as the right to write and publish,

need to be obtained by hard work in China.

I will fight for my right to publish books.

If I cannot succeed, I will print the books on my own.

While I don’t have many readers,

someone will read my books, and become influenced.

Liao, 52, received Hellman-Hammett Award in 1995 and 2003,

the Qingxiang literature award in 2002,

and Independent Chinese PEN Center’s

Freedom to Write Award in 2007.

“The Corpse Walker” was published by Random

House and sold very well.

The U.S literary magazine “Paris Review” published

his works in four consecutive issues,

introducing him to the western mainstream literature.

The English version of another book of Liao,

“God is Red”, will be released in the U.S.

NTD Reporters Li Ting and Li Anan
