【禁聞】中國高鐵被踢爆 提速造假 罔顧安全


【新唐人2011年6月23日訊】中國鐵道部前科技司長兼副總工程師周翊民日前踢爆,遭到雙規的原鐵道部長劉志軍, 為追求「世界第一」,買了外國時速300公里的高鐵技術,卻硬要將時速提升至350甚至380公里,不顧安全係數,罔顧人民安全。

周翊民接受《21世紀經濟報導》訪問時表示,即將開通於京滬高鐵上的動車組CRH380,原型分別從日本新幹線和德國西門子進口,這些國外高鐵巨頭跟鐵道部簽合同的時候,明確規定他們出售的車,最高時速只能達到300公里, 劉志軍卻因為好大喜功,為爭世界第一,硬要提速,把安全係數用到盡,誇大了引進的日本、德國高鐵技術的運營速度,將老百姓的生命拿來開玩笑當兒戲。








Train’s High Speed Fabricated

Top engineer from the Railway Ministry,

Zhou Yimin, disclosed the ministry』s fabrication

of train speed of 350 and 380 km per hour.

Liu Zhijun, Former railway minister,

was responsible for the false claim, disregarding

passenger safety. Liu is under investigation.

Zhou Yimin said to 21th Century Business Herald

that the CRH380 train from Beijing to Shanghai

was prototyped from imported technology

from Japan’s bullet train and Germany’s Siemens.

The original contract had 300 km/h speed limit.

But former minister Liu Zhijun exaggerated

the speed limit, disregarding safety.

Zhou Yimin once asked the transportation CEO

of Siemens’s China office about the 350km/hour

train speed that China set for its high-speed train.

The CEO replied in three points, “We take orders,

and what you claim in China does not concern us.

We sold a 300km/hour train to you,

and are not responsible if you exceed the speed.

This transferred technology is limited to China.”

Zhou Yimin said China did not design the train,

and the result is unthinkable if problems occur.

Earlier, Deputy Railway Minister Hu Yadong

said the Beijing-Shanghai train has reduced speed,

but not because of safety. Speed reduction

is related to electricity cost, motorized carriages,

equipment depreciation, and speed coordination.

Zhou Yimin calculated that a 16-carriage train

at 300 km/hour uses 14,400 KW power,

but the speed of 350km/h uses 24,400 KW power.

27% increase in speed cost 56% more power.

Zhou said, “Test and actual speed is different,

and the Railway Ministry wanted to use

test speed on its newly-invented train. “

High-Speed trains have operated in China

for a few years, with various problems.

The Wuhan-Guangzhou train once had its

motor cover flying out; the Beijing-Shenyan train

has frequent technical problems.

The railway linking Taiyuan and Shijiazhuang

sank by up to 40mm after two years.

Chinese netizens criticize the Railway Ministry,

calling for the worst fate of Liu Zhijun.

NTD reporters Lin Ping and Li Anan
