【禁聞】挺毛批毛 兩派激烈交鋒 當局曖昧














Maoists Clash in China

After a leftist website continuously posted bulletins

denouncing Mao Yushi, Chinese writer Tie Liu

urged the rightist victims to jointly sue Mao Zedong.

Pro and anti-Mao blocs are clashing hard in China.

Analysts pointed out that although the CCP’s

(Chinese Communist Party) regime has given up

Mao’s line, Mao is the origin of CCP’s rule,

which put the authorities in a dilemma.

Wang Tiancheng, former Beijing University lecturer

now living in New York, supports anti-Mao actions.

He said that people needed to know the past

so as to understand what path to take ahead.

Wang Tiancheng: “Although Hitler invoked WWII,

Mao’s atrocities are no less than Hitler’s. In terms

of brutal persecution of people, he is no less.

The CCP led by him took power through violence.

The regime he created and ideology he left behind

continue to harm Chinese people today."

Wang Tiancheng believes that after Deng Xiaoping,

the CCP has basically given up the socialism route,

but since its power is from Mao’s violent revolution,

it dares not totally negate but instead upholds Mao.

Wang Tiancheng: “If they overly support Mao,

it will be hard to explain the economic reform policy

they implemented over the past 30 years; conversely,

they dare not oppose Mao either, as Mao played

a tremendous role in founding the PRC. The current

regime is actually handed down from Mao.

If they overly criticize Mao, then what is the basis

of their power? Therefore, overly negating Mao

equates to negating the CCP itself."

After Chinese economist Mao Yushi published

his article “Unveil Mao Zedong’s True Face",

the leftists continuously posted open letters

threatening to sue Mao Yushi. They also submitted

the letters to the Beijing Public Security Bureau.

On May 29, Maoists in Taiyuan held a so-called

“indictment assembly" to denounce Xin and Mao,

labeling them “spies and traitors." Netizens said

there were less people at this “provincial assembly"

than in a regular cell phone store.

Author Tie Liu proposed that all the victims of

“anti-rightist campaigns" should sue Mao Zedong

at the Supreme Court for disregarding people’s lives.

Tie Liu wrote, although this tyrant died decades ago,

his “ideology" is not dead, and his portrait still hangs.

Many political careerists and strong leftists in CCP

use him to impede the reformers and democrats.

Mao Yushi believes that Tie Liu and other victims’

prosecution of Mao Zedong is more of a gesture.

The Supreme Court cannot evaluate Mao Zedong.

It is the Chinese society’s recognition of history.

He thinks authorities will focus on the confrontation,

although no official response has been received.

He also revealed that he has been receiving threats.

Mao Yushi: “This seems to be a very serious issue.

Chinese authorities will certainly take note of it.

However, I don’t know what actions they will take.

Someone threatened to harm me. He even left

his name and phone number. I ignored him."

American political writer Cao Changqing believes

the prosecution of Mao has symbolic significance.

It is suing CCP in disguise, as Mao is still its leader.

All of Mao’s evil crimes belong to the CCP.

Without CCP, Mao couldn’t cause such calamities.

Prosecuting Mao Zedong can enlighten the Chinese,

who can learn the true history and the power of truth.

NTD reporters Qin Xue and Xiao Yu.
