【禁聞】“恐怖主義土壤說” 官民看法不一











新唐人記者秦雪肖顔 採訪報導。


“Hotbed for Terrorism”?

China’s official media rebuked western countries

for having military operations in Libya,

calling it an interference in other nations

and making hotbeds for terrorism.

But Chinese people said terrorism is closely related

to totalitarianism. State terrorism perpetrated

by totalitarian government is more harmful

than that of bin Laden.

On May 2, the Cinews – media controlled by CCP

(Chinese Communist Party), published

the widely reprinted interview with Shen Jiru,

a Researcher in Chinese Academy of Social Science.

Shen Jiru said western countries’ military operations

in Lybia is “in fact, an interference with different

civilization or different social system.

If the interference policy does not change,

it would create more conflicts and more enemies,“

resulting in “making hotbeds for terrorism.”

Shen’s “hotbed theory" was echoed by Zhang Xin,

Director for CCTV military channel. In his Sina

microblog, Zhang said, ”Laden is the greatest

hero in Arabic history.” His remarks triggered a

wave of criticism from netizens. Zhang defended

himself by saying that he was not sympathizing

to terrorism, but was inspiring people to think

about the roots of terrorism.

Columnist Wen Kejian said that terrorism breeds

in societies without neither freedom nor prosperity.

Wen: “Poverty does breed terrorism. What caused

poverty then? I think it is the consequence of poor

human rights protection and people not having

freedom. I think to eliminate the soil for breeding

terrorism you will need to have a social system

that protects freedom and prosperity. That system

must be nothing like communism nor socialism.”

Zhejiang dissent writer Chen Shuqin also said

that terrorism’s hotbed lies in the ideologies

that pay no respect to human dignity,

arbitrarily deprive people of their lives,

especially the common people.

Such ideologies guide terrorist behaviors.

Typically in China, CCP’s regime kills so many

innocent people, even its party insiders. Their

terrorist behavior is rooted in their violent theory.

Chen Shuqin, Zhejiang Writer:

“The fighting against terrorism is not just about

bin Laden’s Islamic religious extremism,

but about dictators or Marx’ Theory of Struggle,

which if ever employed by a government,

state terrorism will be far more detrimental.”

The death of bin Laden came at a time when a wave

of democracy was sweeping Middle East countries.

Radio France International reported that France’s

President Nicolas Sarkozy said in an interview

with the Express, that we must try our best

to support democracy in Arabic countries.

He said, that for those fanatics who “fed"

from the none-free-speech-environment,

democracy was the only remedy.

He also predicted that a well rooted democracy

would bring along economy growth

and drive away the long accumulated

anger and disappointments in Arabic societies.

NTD reporters Xin Xue and Xiao Yan
