








美國“基辛格中美研究所”副主任史伯明(Douglas Spelman)對《美國之音》表示,中共迫於國際上的人道壓力、懼怕駡名,同時也為了經濟利益﹔從而默許了對利比亞的制裁。但它又擔心自己成為「下一個卡扎菲」,所以對西方國家的干預進行批評。

中美問題專家譚慎格(John Tkacik)也指出,這是中共的宣傳手段,是給老百姓看的。而《美國之音》的報導說,中共力挺卡扎菲,是源於“獨裁”的情愫。





Gaddafi Not ‘An Old Friend’

Recently, official media in China

has defended Libya’s Dictator Muammar Gaddafi

and criticized NATO’s coalition air strikes

of military facilities as Libyan affairs intervention.

However with the changing situation in Libya,

some newspapers started to say that Gaddafi

is not an old friend of Chinese people.

Experts believe the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

tries to find a way out when Gaddafi is about to fall.

Youth Reference is a part of China Youth Daily.

In its network edition of April 6,

an article was published under the heading:

“Gaddafi is not ‘an old friend’ of Chinese people,"

together with photos of opposition “Female militia”.

The article reviewed ties between the two regimes,

criticizing Gaddafi for his closer ties with Taiwan,

and for intentionally giving China a cold shoulder

at the China-Africa Cooperation Forum, giving

the important oil contracts to Western companies.

The article concluded:

Gaddafi is not an old friend of Chinese people.

The CCP’s media criticized NATO’s air strikes,

of Libya’s military facilities

after the UN Security Council resolution.

State-run- media also praised highly

Gaddafi’s regime accomplishment

and called him an old friend of the Chinese people.

From the report in Youth Reference, the outsiders

saw mainland’s official media air a different opinion.

Some experts pointed out that Chinese regime tried

to test the water and realized Gaddafi was falling.

According to Radio Free Asia, the Editor in Chief

of Hong Kong’s “Trends" magazine, Zhang Weiguo,

said: “In China, media are the Party’s mouthpiece

and tool, particularly in relation to big

diplomatic issues, there is almost no room

for individual opinions. In actuality, the last two days

the Chinese Central TV (CCTV) had a change in tone.

Some negative reports of Gaddafi have appeared.

That means it has recognized the end of Gaddafi.”

Why did the Chinese communist regime abstain

from vetoing the UN Security Council resolution,

but criticized the Western countries in its media?

Deputy Director of the American Kissinger Institute,

Douglas Spelman said on Voice of America,

that the Chinese regime was forced to agree to the

Libyan sanctions due to the humanitarian pressure,

fearing of bad name and economic interest loses;

it criticized Western countries for intervention,

because it is afraid of becoming “the next Gaddafi.”

John Tkacik, a Sino-American expert, pointed out

that this was CCP’s propaganda tool and a show

for the masses. Voice of America reported, that

“Supporting Gaddafi, is purely out of

a sense of dictatorship from the CCP itself.”

Youth Reference also published an editorial saying:

“Chinese see the world with some degree of lagging”

It is learned that Youth Reference, founded in 1984,

publishes now every Tuesday and Friday.

Compared with Global Times and Reference News,

its content is somewhat lighter in ideology.

In addition to Youth Reference, China has the Sina,

Sohu and other commercial media, which also pay

more attention to the balanced reports on Libya.

EaseNet has an open column for Libya,

publicly refuting statements from the official media.

NTD reporters Li Qian and Huang Rong
