

【新唐人2011年4月5日訊】為了防堵「茉莉花革命」浪潮,中國(共)當局對網路監控更加嚴峻,不僅多名博客作家被捕,德國社交網站《行網》(Xing.com) 在中國也遭到了封鎖和干擾。德國外長韋斯特韋勒在訪華期間,要求中共政府保障言論和新聞自由。他表示:「互聯網的公開性是一種崇高的價值。」


據《行網》(Xing.com)的消息表示,《行網》在中國遭到封鎖和干擾的情況已經持續十天左右。「記者無國界」組織主席里克爾茨(Christian Rickerts)表示:「這些干擾現象和幾個月來中國持續不斷的、系統性的互聯網過濾政策不謀而合。」





多年來,中國一直被列入「互聯網的敵人」國家名單中。今年3月12號,在記者無國界組織倡議設立的「世界反網路封鎖日」,最新一期報告已經出爐。中國被評為:大面積實行互聯網管制和過濾措施的十個「互聯網敵人」國家之一,其他入圍的國家 還有緬甸、古巴、伊朗和沙烏地阿拉伯等。


Westerwelle』 on China』s Internet Blockade

In attempts to prevent the Jasmine Revolution,

Chinese authorities stepped up Internet censorship.

Many blog writers in China were arrested.

The German social network Xing.com is blocked.

German Foreign Minister Westerwelle asked CCP

(Chinese Communist Party) to protect

the freedom of speech and freedom of press,

saying: “Internet openness is of a noble value."

Reporters Without Borders posted an online article

criticizing the CCP government』s strengthening

of Internet censorship, and its suppression of blogs.

The organization noticed that some sites encounter

increasing blockade and interference in China.

CCP』s suppression of online expression freedom

has attracted international organizations』. attention.

According to Xing.com, the site has been blocked

and interfered with in China for 10 days now.

Reporters Without Borders』 Chair Christian Rickerts

said, “The interferences coincide with China』s recent

continuous and systematic Internet filtering policies.”

Online author Qi Tianzhuang told Voice of America

that many of his articles were removed recently.

CCP』s sensitivity to online comments indicates

that they are not confident about their rule.

The result of suppression of freedom of expression

will be the prevalence of evil in the Chinese society.

It was said recently that CCP plans for CHINALAN,

a “China-only Internet” to control online expression.

According to Beijing-based historian Zhang Lifan

CCP』s intention is “to not allow people to talk."

He said, “Under oppression people dare not speak,

but they will vent their dissatisfaction another way,

and the Chinese society will face bigger instability."

As per some human rights groups, since February

60 dissidents and activists were detained

or disappeared, including some blog writers

that CCP tolerated for years.

Netizen Yan Nanfei from Jilin was taken by police

on March 22. His whereabouts are still unknown.

Chinese netizens can be kidnapped at any time

for getting on the authorities』 sensitive nerve.

Germany』s Deutsche Presse-Agentur reported

in Beijing that during his trip to China this April

Westerwelle』s stressed, “Assurance

of journalists』 ability to report freely is crucial" and

“Human rights protection is not opposing the state,

but supporting its stability and development."

He urged the Chinese government to use

the opportunities provided by the Internet.

Over the years China has been included in the list

of “Internet enemy countries". March 12, 2011

was the “World Day Against Cyber-Censorship."

In its latest report, China was rated as one

of the top 10 “Internet enemies” for its large-scale

Internet control and filtering measures.

Others are Myanmar, Cuba, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

NTD reporters Li Ting and Guo Jing
