【禁聞】“3.28” 藏人思念曾經的自由文明




西藏流亡國會議員凱度頓珠:「 他是中共的走狗當然他會講這句話。他們說做了很多好事,這些都是騙人。我們在中共的(統治)下面變成一個很大的監牢;他們來是欺負西藏人,我們有一百萬人死掉在這52年。」


西藏流亡國會議員凱度頓珠:「佛教徒去尋佛的時候要聽我們的喇嘛講佛、可以拜拜,這些事他們(中共 )不讓我們做。還有清藏鐵路,在拉薩現在有30萬人,80%是內地人漢人,有40萬多軍人在那邊,它們蓋這個鐵路跟西藏人完全沒甚麼關係啊。」




Tibetans Recall Bygone Freedom

The Chinese communist regime set up March 28

as the “anniversary of Tibet serfs’ liberation"

But for many Tibetans this day is a reminder

of their magnificent history, while the past 52 years

under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) rule

are an unprecedented dark period in Tibetan history.

One day before the Anniversary, Padma Choling,

Chairman of the Tibetan Autonomous Region, said

that under the CCP’s leadership, Tibetans from all

walks of life have made magnificent achievements

in building a socialist new Tibet.

All Tibetans will remember this day.

Exiled Tibetan MP Khedroob Thondup:

“He is CCP’s top dog, of course he would say that.

They said they have done many good deeds,

which is a lie. Tibet has become a giant prison

under CCP』s rule. They came to bully Tibetans.

One million Tibetans died of unnatural deaths

over the past 52 years.”

Khedroob Thondup said that most Tibetans

are Buddhists and peasants, with a simple life,

but the CCP forced them to live in city high rises and

deprived them of the right to believe in their Lama.

Khedroob Thondup: “Tibetan Buddhists need to

worship and listen to Lama’s preaching, but the CCP

does not allow us to do so. Of the 300,000 population

in Lhasa, 80% are of Han ethnicity, from mainland

China. There are also 400,000+ troops here. Building

the railroads has nothing to do with Tibetans.”

Dawa Tsering from Taiwan’s Dalai Lama Religious

Foundation, said that for hundreds of years, Tibet

has only had simple laws and plain folk,

but people trusted, cared and helped each other.

Such a civilization is virtually gone in today’s society

under the communist regime’s rule.

Dawa Tsering: “So, the anniversary established by

the CCP perhaps can remind Tibetans of their

magnificent history before, which was more free

and civilized than what it is today.

Civilization refers to a belief, to a way of life.”

NTD reporters Liang Xin and Fang Yuan
