
【新唐人2010年3月4日訊】3月4號,加拿大卡爾加里第十選區市議員安德烈.夏柏特(Ward 10 Alderman Andre Chabot)向加拿大阿爾伯塔省新唐人(NTDTV Alberta)發來賀信,祝賀美國神韻藝術團2010年世界巡迴演出將訪問卡爾加里。







我希望儘可能多的卡爾加里人利用這個難得的機會。 祝賀和歡迎神韻來到卡爾加里!


加拿大卡爾加里第十選區市議員安德烈.夏柏特(Ward 10 Alderman Andre Chabot)



It is my absolute pleasure to extend a heartfelt welcome and sincere greeting to the artists and everyone supporting the Shen Yun 2010 World Tour.

The classic beauty and extraordinary expression of Shen Yun Performing Arts enriches our lives and touches us as individuals in ways that few other things have the ability to do.

A production such as this stirs the soul with its lavish and vibrant colours, intricate and superbly choreographed movement and poignant music. Having an opportunity to experience another culture through its art is both a privilege and an honour for the residents of Calgary.

It is my hope that as many Calgarians as possible take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Congratulations and welcome to Calgary!

Andre Chabot
Ward 10 Alderman

Biography of Alderman Andre Chabot

Office of the Aldermen

Andre Chabot was elected to his first term as Alderman for Ward 10 during the by-election of February 28, 2005.

Andre brings to office a long history of community service, having served on the Marlborough Park Community Association Executive for over ten years and the Greater Forest Lawn Enhancement Committee; and the Triple A Land Use Team. Andre also served as a District Coordinator for Block Watch, the N.E. President’s Association, and the Hub Oil Stakeholders Committee.

Andre has volunteered countless hours to several organizations including the Knights of Columbus, and Michele’s Dance Works Pure Energy Foundation. He is past president of the Calgary East Constituency Federal Conservatives. In addition, Andre has served as an Alberta Progressive Conservatives Campaign and Constituency Volunteer, and a Southern Alberta Constituency Council Member. He continues to be actively involved with Habitat for Humanity community initiatives.

His diverse business background both in electronics and the construction industry has provided him with over twenty-five years of success.

Born in a small community in Saskatchewan, Andre relocated with his parents and siblings to Calgary in 1971. Andre’s father’s agricultural background secured him a job maintaining the Inglewood Golf and Country Club. Following high school, Andre entered into the construction industry where he spent the next seven years mastering a multitude of construction specific skills. During the last year of his construction employment Andre entered Devry’s Electronics Engineering Technology Program. He completed a four year program in two years graduating in 1985 with honours and at the top of his class. Andre went on to serve 18 years in the electronics industry where he was involved in all aspects of electronic distribution. He served as legal council for Martin Electronics Marketing Corporation and spearheaded the successful ISO 9001 certification of the organization in 1994. Andre and his wife Denyse are long-time residents of Ward 10. They have four daughters – Andrea, Jessica, Jennifer and Deanne.


* strategic promotion of growth and infrastructure improvements that compliment and support sustainable development for business and taxpayer alike by reducing costs associated with poor planning


* fulfilled all pre-election objectives
* has been and will continue to be a good steward of public service Purse
* has been and will continue to lobby other levels of government to contribute back to communities a fair share of tax revenue
* has been and will continue to be a strong voice in the municipal government arena

Andre presently sits on the following Standing Policy and Special Committees:

* SPC on Finance and Corporate Services
* SPC on Land Use Planning and Transportation
* Land and Asset Strategy
* Gas, Power & Telecommunications
* Personnel and Accountability Committee (PAC)
* Audit and Sub Committee for Transit Safety
* Canadian Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination (CCMARD)
* Legacy Parks Fund Steering Committee
* Emergency Management Committee
