【新唐人2010年2月24日訊】加拿大卡爾加里市第七選區市議員珠菲露(Alderman Druh Farrell)向卡爾加里市神韻主辦方卡爾加里法輪大法學會和阿爾伯塔省新唐人(NTDTV Alberta)發來賀信,代表卡爾加里人民感謝美國神韻藝術團的再次到來,並預祝演出成功。
Greetings from Farrell,Alderman,Ward 7
I am pleased to have this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to everyone attending the Shen Yun Performing Arts 2010 World Tour in Calgary at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium.
We are privileged to have this world-renowned production visit our city sharing the magical Chinese music and classical dance which brings to life ancient culture,myths,and legends.
Calgarians will be awed by the beauty and human dignity expressed through this performance.This is an opportunity for the Chinese community to celebrate their ancestral heritage,as well as an opportunity for Calgarians to experience a magnificent show while expanding on their understanding of this unique culture.
Biography of Alderman Druh Farrell
Office of the Aldermen
Veteran alderman and native Calgarian, Druh Farrell, brings a solid track record of achievement to her role as Alderman for Ward 7. First elected in 2001, Druh is considered a leading advocate for building a sustainable city, with initiatives such as Transit Oriented Development, the 7th Avenue LRT Upgrade, the 16th Avenue Urban Corridor, the East Village Plan and the Centre City Plan.
Believing that a city is defined by the vibrancy of its downtown, and cultural and public spaces, Druh brings a dynamic and constructive approach to City Council. Druh is relied on for her knowledge of land-use planning, environmental and social action issues. Her trademark passion for urban beauty, walkable communities and sustainable quality of life for Calgarians has created a new perspective for the planning process at City Hall.
Druh presently holds positions as:
* Vice Chair, SPC Land Use, Planning & Transportation
* Member, SPC Utilities and Environment
* Member, Aldermanic Office Coordinating Committee
* Member, Calgary Planning Commission
* Member, Land & Asset Strategy
* Member, Calgary Housing Company
* Calgary Homeless Foundation