
【新唐人2010年2月23日訊】加拿大卡爾加里市商會總裁兼首席執行官希瑟.道格拉斯(Heather Douglas)代表超過3500個商會會員和商會員工向卡爾加里市2010年神韻演出的主辦方之一阿爾伯塔省新唐人(NTDTV Alberta)發來賀信,她稱讚神韻是一個偉大的奇觀,不容錯過,而神韻演出則成為卡爾加里升級為國際藝術中心的標誌。







On behalf of the board, management, staff and over 3,500 business members, the Calgary Chamber of Commerce is delighted to once again welcome Shen Yun Performing Arts to our great city.

Shen Yun is an impressive exhibition of talent, that uniquely showcases classical, traditional Chinese dance and music through the fusion of Western and Chinese instruments and approaches. The resulting performance is a reflection of the years of hard work, refinement and dedication of the producers, performers and artists involved. Complete with rich, colourful costumes and drums, Shen Yun is a great spectacle – not to be missed.

As past appearances have shown Calgarians,Shen Yun Performing Arts is an amazing opportunity for Calgarians to embark on a 5,000 year tour of Chinese history,tradition,and culture.It is also a sign of Calgary’s growing reputation as a centre of artistic expression, creativity and entrepreneurship, and welcoming host for international events of this calibre.

The Chamber of Commerce is proud to welcome Shen Yun Performing Arts back to Calgary, and wishes all of its participants the very best for the 2010 tour.

Yours truly,

Heather Douglas
President &CEO

Heather Douglas – President & CEO

Heather Douglas was appointed to the position of President and CEO of the Calgary Chamber of Commerce as of October 1, 2005.

Prior to joining the Chamber, Heather Douglas was the Founder and President of Strategic Public Affairs (SPA), a worldwide combination of external and internal affairs and communications professionals. She has more than 20 years experience in journalism and public affairs, has directed media, government, and shareholder relations, crisis communications, and image and reputation management for three major Canadian companies (one a Fortune 500 affiliate).

Douglas is the former Manager, Public and Government Affairs for Mobil Oil Canada where she successfully directed several of Canada’s largest public consultation programs – including the Hibernia offshore oil and the Sable natural gas projects. Mobil sent her to run Mobil’s Public and Government Affairs Department in the United Kingdom and Norway, assigned her to special projects in the Far East, and brought her to Washington D.C. to work with several Asian embassies.

Douglas has also served as Vice President, Public Affairs and Government Relations with Atomic Energy of Canada (AECL), her duties included building relationships with foreign governments on behalf of the Crown Corporation. She also headed their worldwide media relations, stakeholder relations, crisis communications, and public consultation programs. She was an officer of the Corporation and a member of its Executive Council.
Douglas has co-authored two books and has spoken at numerous seminars and conferences. Her topics range from energy and communications to negotiation strategies. Douglas is currently working toward her doctorate in political science.

About the Chamber

The Calgary Chamber of Commerce has emerged as one of the most progressive and influential organizations in the country. Lead by a dedicated team of volunteers and full-time staff, the Chamber provides a forum for debate on critical issues, an innovative public policy solution provider and a destination for networking with other members of the Calgary business community.

Chamber Quick Facts:

Calgary』s largest business organization

Approximately 3500 members representing 2500 businesses

Comprised of small, medium and large companies in a variety of sectors

One of Canada』s largest and most progressive Chambers

One of the most vocal and respected Chambers across Canada

Hosts more than 100 events annually

Established as Calgary Board of Trade in 1891

Founded by group of 46 business owners

Name changed to Calgary Chamber of Commerce in 1950

Voted one of the best places to network in Calgary (Darcy Rezak, Networking Guru & Author of “The Frog & the Prince”)