
【新唐人2010年2月23日訊】加拿大卡爾加里第三選區市議員吉姆史蒂文森(Ward 3 Alderman Jim Stevenson),向卡爾加里市美國神韻藝術團演出的主辦方卡爾加里法輪大法學會和阿爾伯塔省新唐人(NTDTV Alberta)發來賀信,祝賀美國神韻藝術團2010年世界巡迴演出將訪問卡爾加里。






Greetings from City of Calgary Ward 3 Alderman Jim Stevenson

It is my distinct pleasure to extend warm greetings and best wishes to the Shen Yun dancers, choreographers, musicians, production and artistic staff. Thank you all for bringing this spectacular performance to the Calgary stage and for providing all of us in attendance the unique opportunity to share in such a rich cultural experience. Inspired by traditional Chinese culture, Shen Yun brings a lost heritage to life through the artistic forms of classical and ethnic Chinese dance and we are all fortunate to be part of this unique experience.

On behalf of the City of Calgary, I welcome the Shen Yun Performing Arts Troup to our City and wish them every success as they continue their tour.



Biography of Alderman Jim Stevenson

Office of the Aldermen

Jim Stevenson was elected Alderman to represent Ward 3 in October 2007. Prior to his election to Calgary City Council, Jim served the public interest in many capacities, including membership on Calgary』s Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, President and founding member of the Coral Springs Community Association. From 1987 to his election as Alderman, Jim was a member of the Board and President of the Northeast District of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Over the last 35 years, Jim has built and maintained a successful business with operations across Canada and 5 other countries.

In keeping with his commitment to serving the interest of Ward 3, Jim sits on the following Boards and Committees:

* Standing Policy Committee on Community & Protective Services
* Standing Policy Committee on Utilities & Environment
* Intergovernmental Affairs Committee
* Inter-Municipal Committee – Rocky View
* Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA)

Jim’s commitment to public service is reflected in his participation in many NE community projects over the past 15 years including the McKnight & 36th Street interchange, the NE LRT extension, the NE Regional Policy Plan, the North of McKnight Transportation Committee and as Chair of the NE Centre of Communities Fund Development Committee, just to name a few.

Jim is the recipient of the Queen』s Golden Jubilee Medal for Community Service and the Alberta Centennial Medal for Community Service.


卡爾加里第三選區市議員吉姆史蒂文森(JIM STEVENSON)
