
【新唐人2009年12月22日訊】12月22號,加拿大阿爾伯塔省(Alberta)卡爾加里東區省議員莫.埃默裡(Moe Amery, MLA for Calgary-East)向阿爾伯塔省神韻演出主辦方之一的加拿大阿爾伯塔省新唐人(NTDTV Alberta)發來賀信,表達對神韻藝術團將於2010年再次來阿爾伯塔省演出表示祝賀,並藉此機會向華人表示新年問候。








Shen Yun Performing Arts Greetings
Moe Amery, MLA for Calgary-East

It is my great honour to extend a warm greeting once again to the artists of the Shen Yun Performing Arts troupe and to take this opportunity to wish the Chinese Community of Calgary a prosperous year of the Tiger.

As always Albertans have been proud of their longstanding tradition of multiculturalism. The celebration of culture and heritage plays an integral role in our province』s rise to prosperity; the encouragement of diversity has promoted unity which in turn has strengthened us as a society.

What better way to celebrate the tradition of multiculturalism than to have such an internationally renowned troupe of artists performing for Albertans. I am sure that all in attendance will greatly appreciate the time and effort given by these artists to perform Chinese dances that are nearly three millennia old.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank not only the artists but also everyone in the Chinese community that worked tirelessly to bring this extraordinary cultural show to the people of Calgary once again. Finally to all of you, who are taking in this wonderful event, sit back, relax and enjoy every breath taking minute.

Moe Amery, MLA
Calgary East

卡爾加里東區省議員 莫.埃默裡 Mr. Moe Amery, MLA Calgary East


卡爾加里東區省議員 莫.埃默裡 Mr. Moe Amery, MLA Calgary East

Biography for Mr. Moe Amery (PC)
MLA for Calgary-East

Moe Amery was elected to his fifth term as a Member of the Legislative Assembly for Calgary-East on March 3, 2008. Mr. Amery currently serves as a member of the Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections, Standing Orders and Printing, the Private Bills Committee and the Standing Committee on the Economy.

In addition to his regular MLA responsibilities Mr. Amery has served as a member of:

* Standing Committee on Private Bills
* Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections, Standing Orders and Printing
* Standing Committee on Government Services
* Cabinet Policy Committee on Community Services
* Standing Policy Committee on Energy and Sustainable Development
* Standing Policy Committee on Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
* Environmental Protection Advisory Committee (chair)
* Standing Committee on Public Accounts
* Standing Committee on the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund
* Glenbow Museum Advisory Committee
* MLA Implementation Team on the Future Selection of RHA Members
* MLA representative on the city of Calgarys World Fair 2005 bid
* MLA Committee to Review Low-income Programs, summer 2001
* International Governance Office Advisory Committee
* Secondary Suites Committee, 2003 (co-chair)

Mr. Amery was born in Lebanon on September 20, 1954, and relocated to Canada in 1974. He was a student of the University of Albertas General Studies faculty between 1975 and 1977. Before being elected to the Legislature, Mr. Amery enjoyed a successful career in Calgary for almost 15 years.

Mr. Amery has been involved with the community associations in his constituency and continues with other business, service and cultural organizations.

Together Mr. Amery and his wife, Mary, have five children: Mickey, Lila, Leena, Laura and Malaak. The Amery family lives in Southview, a neighbourhood in the Calgary-East constituency.
