

Indian Army Organizes Horse Show in Chandigarh


Justin Lee, David Lee


1. Chandigarh n. 昌第加 位在德里西北面旁遮普(Punjab)省首府,號稱全印度最乾淨的城市。

2. equestrian adj. 騎術的

3. show jumping ph. (賽馬運動中的)超越障礙比賽

4. tent pegging ph. 印度熱門的一種(拔營釘)馬術競賽

5. novice n. 新手;初學者

6. civilian n. 平民;百姓

7. lakh: n. 10萬(盧比)

8. rupee: n. 盧比 (印度、斯里蘭卡、尼泊爾等的貨幣單位)

Many equestrian events like show jumping and tent pegging were held to popularize riding in the region.


[Major General Kamal Mohe, Organizing Committee Member]:

“We have tried to showcase some of the major events of the show jumping for the seniors, for the juniors, novices as well as for children.”

[少將 Kamal Mohe,籌備委員會成員我們嘗試著不但讓資深的、初級的、新手甚至是孩童,去表現一些超越障礙之類的主要項目。

The winner of the show jumping says the sport offers bright prospects.


[Major Krishan Yadav, Winner, Show Jumping Novice]:

“In the recent years, a lot of civilians have become interested in the sport. People are spending a lot of money buying horses from abroad and horses costs 40 to 50 lakhs (four million to five million rupees) but people are willing to spend that much money and invest in the sport because there is a bright future for the sport.”

[少校Krishan Yadav,新手障礙賽優勝者]:


The show also saw a huge participation by young children, both boys and girls.


[Uday, Rider]:

“By participating in such events, our confidence level goes up and also we can improve our riding skills. I would like to take horse riding as a serious career option in the future."




Meanwhile, the show also drew a large crowd who came to see the free show.



