



















神韻巡迴藝術團四月十三日在加拿大卡爾加里的第三場演出,剛結束上半場演出,觀眾們就熱切盼望下半場的開演。查爾斯•凡迪邦(Charles Van De Bon)就是懷著這樣的心情,在座位上等待著,希望下半場儘快開始。八十多歲高齡的他,曾經榮幸地與英國女皇一起飲茶。演出當天,他是特意陪伴他的朋友 ——教育家嘉瑪麗妮(Jamalini)觀看神韻晚會,並一同慶祝朋友的八十五歲生辰大壽。








As Calgary prepares to host the renowned Shen Yun Performing Arts for three shows at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium, greeting letters have been pouring in from civic servants, community, and business leaders.

The letters extend a warm welcome to the New York-based Shen Yun, a performing arts company that has been travelling the world showcasing China』s traditional culture through classical Chinese dance and music.

Writing on behalf of the Alberta Liberals and the province of Alberta, Harry Chase, MLA for Calgary-Varsity, extended greetings to the performers, organizers and attendees of the show.

“I have always been fascinated by the spectacle and sheer majesty of the traditional Chinese arts, and the [Shen Yun] Performing Arts extravaganza represents one of the purest and most entertaining examples of the genre,” he said.

Lindsay Blackett, Minister of Culture and Community Spirit, said in his letter that with its “world class performers and dazzling choreography, the [Shen Yun] Performing Arts tour is a unique artistic and cultural experience that simply cannot be missed.”

MP Blake Richards extended his congratulations to Shen Yun “for capturing the spirit and cultural splendor of Chinese dance and music, myth and legend. …. Your splendid show has been internationally recognized and has drawn praise across our nation.”

Prime Minister Stephen Harper sent his “best wishes for a memorable performance.

“I am certain that the intricate costumes, brilliant choreography, and outstanding musical compositions that you will be treated to this evening will be a wonderful reflection of the grandeur of 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture, and of the great pride felt by the Chinese Canadian community.”

In welcoming Shen Yun, Hon. Minister Alison Redford, minister of Justice and attorney general, said, “This amazing event demonstrates that the City of Calgary is not only home to many different cultures but [also] embraces the traditions and celebrations of each culture.”

Jason Kenney, minister of Citizenship, Immigration, and Multiculturalism, said Shen Yun “can be proud, as your organization exemplifies the Canadian values of democracy, freedom, human rights, and the rule of law. Through your performances, you help to these values around the world as you delight audiences with your magnificent example of traditional Chinese culture.”

In his letter, MLA Moe Amery thanked not only the artists but also everyone in the Chinese community who worked to bring Shen Yun to Calgary.

“There is no better way to celebrate the tradition of multiculturalism than to have such an internationally renowned [company] of artists performing for Albertans. I am sure that all in attendance will greatly appreciate the time and effort given by these artists to perform Chinese dances that are around three millennia old,” he said.

Bob McPhee, general director and CEO of Calgary Opera, said Shen Yun』s “world class performers and orchestra—coupled with spectacular scenery and costumes—will surely delight every Albertan in attendance.

“The mandate of [Shen Yun] Performing Arts to promote appreciation and awareness of traditional Chinese culture is imperative in today』s 『global』 society. We are very fortunate to have this opportunity to develop our understanding of Chinese culture so accurately and in such a grand 『up close』 format.”

Pat Cochrane, board chair with the Calgary Board of Education, sent “wishes for a magnificent performance” on behalf of the Calgary Board of Education』s Board of Trustees.

“[Shen Yun] Performing Arts encourages cross-cultural understanding along with promoting arts and culture to spectators in cities around the world. Thank you for providing some of our students with the opportunity to experience your show and to learn about Chinese dance and performance art,” Ms. Cochrane wrote.

Writing on behalf of the City of Calgary, Alderman John Mar said that as a fifth generation Canadian of Chinese descent, he takes “great pride in helping others understand our unique culture and history. Through pure inspiration of myth, legend, and divine beauty of over 5,000 years of Chinese culture, the [Shen Yun] Performing Arts continues to bring this performance to the world.”

MP Deepak Obhrai said that as Calgary is home to a vibrant Chinese community, the show “is a wonderful opportunity for them, as well as all citizens of Canada, to learn and to appreciate one of the world』s richest cultures.”

In his letter Sean Durfy, president and chief executive officer for Westjet, wrote:

“I wish you the best success in the staging of this production in our great city. This event will only help to increase Calgary』s reputation as a wonderful multicultural city and help to ensure our ongoing prosperity.”

Alderman Ric McIver, Ward 12, and Alderman Druh Farrell, Ward 7, also sent greetings.

“Calgarians will be awed by the beauty and human dignity expressed through this performance,” wrote Mr. Farrell.

“This is an opportunity for the Chinese community to celebrate their heritage, as well as an opportunity for Calgarians to experience a magnificent show while expanding on their understanding of this unique culture.”

Shen Yun Performing Arts will play three shows at the Jubilee on Sunday, April 12 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and on Monday, April 13 at 7:30 p.m. After Calgary, the show will play in Edmonton on April 15 and April 16 and in Regina on April 19.