【禁闻】《真实的江泽民》:解真相 作选择





中国问题专家 张杰连:“各种毒酒、毒食品的泛滥,大家可以看到什么黄色啊、包二奶、淫乱啊,各方面已经到了怵目惊心的地步,所以这一切的来源,他的根本的根源,实际上就是使于这个江泽民迫害法轮功,打击人类的道德底线真善忍,就是从这场人权迫害人类最惨烈的迫害开始的。”


香港商人朱柯明:“中国社会里边坑蒙拐骗,那简直是太习以为常了,老百姓听到这些事情,都习以为常,不以为然了,这个社会你说不可怕吗? 大家在看这本书,在了解这个人的时候,不能只限于停留在了解这个人如何如何,应该了解共产党这个制度下塑造这个人,江泽民其人可能不止其一,可能还会有其二、其三,只是没有介绍出来,只是没有反映出来,这样的坏人是很多的。”


采访/朱智善 编辑/黄亿美 后制/郭敬

“The Real Jiang Zemin" Book Unmasks Deeper Truth

The occurrence of Wang Lijun’s night fleeing to the US
consulate began the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) split-up.
A new book, “The real Jiang Zemin” was jointly published by
The Epoch Times, NTDTV, Sound of Hope, DynaWeb and Ultrasurf.
The authors hope that this book will help readers learn more
of the truth so as to make right choice for their own lives.

The book “The Real Jiang Zemin" says that anyone who wants
to understand the current China has to see the CCP clearly first.
Before that, he needs to know about Falun Gong, the unique
and unprecedented group that made the CCP’s crackdown fail.
What has happened to Falun Gong in China?
The answer begins with who is Jiang Zemin.

Expert on China issues Zhang Jielian thinks this book
is of great meaning.
It can help the world to see Jiang Zemin’s true colors
in the context of the current reality.

Zhang Jielian: “What kind of person is Jiang Zemin?
This book can tell us.
The biggest crime Jiang Zemin committed is the persecution
of Falun Gong that he arbitrarily launched in 1999.
All-pervasive lies and deception became Jiang’s tool
to poison the world, in particular, the Chinese people.
Over one billion Chinese were passively embroiled into
this battle against deities, Heaven and the universe.
That put people’s lives in great danger."

The book wrote that in order to carry out the persecution,
Jiang Zemin thoroughly upside-downed the 5,000-year
Chinese criteria for telling right from wrong,
which stems from “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance."
Jiang destroyed the budding legal system and mechanisms
safeguarding social fairness and justice and set up extrajudicial “Office 610."
This turned Deng Xiaoping’s policy of “Focusing on economic
construction" into one of “Focusing on crackdown on Falun Gong."
The CCP’s way of ruling and administration entirely changed
since then.

Zhang Jielian commented that since Jiang started persecuting
Falun Gong, China began to witness continuous social decay.
This includes the decline in economy, ecology, judiciary
and the human moral collapse.
All these have been commonplace in China as of today,
and civilians themselves also became victims of that, Zhang thinks.

Zhang Jielian: “Varied poisonous wine and toxic food have
spread across China.
The rampant pornographic news like keeping a mistress
and sexual immorality in China have shocked the world.
All these stemmed from Jiang’s persecution of Falun Gong.

The blow against human morality and ‘Truthfulness-
Compassion-Forbearance’originated from this worst human rights violation in history."

Hong Kong-based businessman Zhu Keming was the first
Chinese to sue Jiang Zemin.
Zhu thinks the key point for the public to become aware
of when reading this book is the CCP’s ruling system.
Living under CCP’s rule and after being brainwashed,
the Chinese do not believe in deities.
They do not believe in good and evil having their own
rewards neither being thoughtful of others, nor morality.
They are wrought with extreme selfishness.

The CCP’s culture of “Falseness-Evil-Fight" caused
the populace to be lawless and outrageous.

Zhu Keming: “Swindling people in China is so rampant,
civilians over there just get used to it.
Don’t you think it’s terrible for a society itself?

When reading this book, don’t confine your thoughts
to only knowing about Jiang himself.
You should try to learn how the CCP’s system shaped Jiang.

There may be a second and third Jiang, who just haven’t
been unveiled yet. There are lots of such villains in China."

Zhu Keming sued Jiang Zemin and other CCP senior officials
in Beijing in 2000 for their persecution of Falun Gong.
He was thus imprisoned and vanished along with his
tens-of-millions fortune.
Zhu Keming was later released from prison after having
been tortured for 5 years.
