【禁闻】民众请愿示威 地方人大“刁民论”













“Unruly Masses"Talk by Deputy to CCP People’s Congress

Local People’s Congress and People’s Political Consultative
Conference of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are being held across China.
Shanghai petitioners presented a thousand- signature petition
to Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress.
The group leader Feng Zhenghu was blocked by the police.

Over 500 ex-army veterans petitioned Shenzhen city hall,
confronting similar official suppression.
In Foshan, a deputy to the local People’s Congress claimed
unruly masses" talked, sparking public outcry.

On the eve of CCP Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress,
local petitioners went to present their petitions.
Feng Zhenghu, leader of the group was blocked by the police,
and was summoned for six hours that night.
Feng said that the savage police sprained his hands and feet
during an argument.

Feng Zhenghu: “I was stopped from going out this morning
by the security guards who stand at my gate.
They didn’t give me any legal explanation and just blocked me.
Of course I stuck to my right to free travel. “

Feng Zhenghu points out that all current deputies to the
People’s Congress does not really speak for the people.

Feng Zhenghu: “(the petition) caused fear for authorities.

What do they fear? Because the general public have learned
using power to check and balance the power.
Now the population’s awareness of rights is getting stronger,
so is their legal consciousness.
These deputies are actually deemed incompetent.
They don"t have working time, usually you can’t find them."

On 9th January, Shenzhen municipal petition office confronted
over 500 war veterans petitioners.
These veterans asked the local authorities to solve problems
on their living benefits, but received no official response.
The ex-military veterans marched to city hall where local
People’s Congress and People’s Political Consultative Conference was being held.
Holding placards and chanting slogans such as
“Down with corruption! Down with corrupt officials!
Put into practice the Central Committee’s policy for career
change of discharged soldiers and army officers!
Rights-defending is just the stability of maintenance!"
The police stopped the parade, without ensuing clashes.

Foshan city also holds local People’s Congress and People’s
Political Consultative Conference.
At a group discussion, Fang Ming, a deputy from Nanhai
District, said, “The civilians are educated and not raised, to be good persons.
It’s just like a spoiled child who can’t become filial piety,
the spoiled civilians may be more unruly. “

China’s Information Times commented on Fang’s remark.

“Fang Ming has freedom of speech, but her ‘unruly masses’
talk really created a storm in a tea cup of confusion.”
The comment pointed out that it’s not just a few officials that
have easily labeled civilians as “unruly masses”.

An online post said, “Would Fang Ming be willing to think,
that when the people lead comfortable lives, are they unruly?
When people are as rich as you, given due respect,

Feng Zhenghu: “The government officials haven’t changed
their mindsets yet.
All government officials are paid by the taxpayers who in fact
are civilians.
These officials have long thought that they’ve done so well
for all civilians, and benefit them so much."

Huang Qi, director of Chengdu-based 64tianwang.com,
revealed the reason for the veterans’ petition.
These ex-army officers went petitioning and demonstrating
mainly because many of them were laid-off by their enterprises.
They are very poorly paid, and some of them are
living merely on minimum subsistence allowances.
They asked the authorities to solve problems on their financial
compensation and living benefits after army discharge.
The authorities broke their promise of solving the problem,
forcing them to continue with their petitions.

NTD reporters Chang Chun and Li Anan.
