











山东大学退休教授孙文广:“60年来他们(中共)的官员一直是任命的,那么人民代表是一个摆设, 民众对官员的任免没有任何的发言权,没有任何表达的形式,那么官员必定是不受制约,不受制约的权力,就制造腐败。”




China’s Scholar Appeals For People’s Right To Vote

Wang Yukai, professor at National School of Administration
and China’ Administrative System Reform Association deputy,
said that China has formed three major interest groups,
of dignitaries, monopolists, and real estate & resources’ group.
Reform can be implemented only when the people
are given their right to free and fair elections.

At 2011 Annual Meeting on China’s Reform, held in Beijing
on January 8, Prof. Wang Yukai put forward his views.
Today’s China has three major interest groups, including
dignitaries, monopolists, and real estate & resources’ group.
The dignitaries’ interest groups are represented by officials
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the political arena.
The monopoly interest groups are represented
by officials, monopolizing the enterprises.
And the real estate & resource interest groups include
officials in the real estate sector and resources industry.

Prof. Wang reviewed the reason of the rapid emergence
of such large-scale interest groups in China.
It is due to CCP authorities’ lack of justice, departmental
interests’ abuse and extensive national property losses, incurred during state-owned enterprises restructuring.

Prof. Wang gave some suggestions, including breaking
the illegal interests’ chains in the institutional system;
caring out strict official property declaration system;

and introducing broad-based electoral system,
returning people the right to vote for their leaders.

Sun Wenguang (Retired professor, Shandong University):
“The direct election of officials is a world’s leading trend.
It won’t disappear just because of opposition parties’ minority.

The three interest groups certainly boycott the direct elections,
for it’ll harm their vested interests.
These groups wish that all the official nominations, including
leaders representatives, are decided by high-ranking officials."

Liu Kaiming, director of the Institute for Contemporary
Observation in Shenzhen, comments on the issue.
The right to vote can restrict the political power
only to a certain degree, thinks Liu Kaiming.
There must be corresponding civic political rights, like citizens’
supervision of elections and leaders’ work, transparency of public funds use, of leaders’ ownership, etc.

Liu Kaiming: “The most important factor is citizens’ right
to participate in politics.
The right, including elections,
covers a series of political participations.
If there is no such kind of bottom-up pressure,
I don’t think the interest groups’ barriers can be overcome."

Liu Kaiming said that the current electoral system in China
exist in name only, there is not true civic election system.
China is still a country under authoritarian regime.

In contrast, Taiwan has successfully transformed
from an authoritarian state into a democratic country.
Elections have become a civic duty there.

Now Taiwan is nearing presidential elections, and candidates
can be seen on the streets, trying to gain voters’ support.
By freely casting their votes, the Taiwan people can elect
the leader of their choice.

Liu Kaiming: “Taiwan is actually a highly democratic region,
China hasn’t begun that journey yet.
China is still an integral party-state political system,
the same as that of former Soviet Union.
All the decisions and the political participations
are determined by the CCP, instead of the people.
So if this issue is not addressed,
China won’t have democratic politics."

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights says: “The will
of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government;
this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections
which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and
shall be held by secret vote or by
equivalent free voting procedures."

Prof. Sun: “Over the past 60 years, CCP’s regime appointed
all officials; people’s representatives are only a showcase.
The population do not have a say in the appointment or
removal of officials, nor do they have a form of expression.
The CCP officials surely possess unsupervised power,
that helps them breed corruption."

Guo Guoting, Chinese human rights lawyer, defines
a regime as legal if “sovereignty belongs to the people.”
Should a regime meet this criterion, it is deemed legitimate,
otherwise, it is illegal.

NTD reporters Dai Jing, Huang Rong and Wang Mingyu
