【禁闻】网上叫阵吴法天 健崔遭拘引质疑













新唐人记者 李韵 唐睿 李若琳 采访报导

Challenge Hack Writer Online, Jian Cui was Arrested in China

Wu Fatian, Associate Professor of China University of
Politics, via micro-blog,said Ai Weiwei is suspected of illegal fund-raising.
In response, Jian Cui, a musician commentator, replied online
that he wants to beat Wu.
Then Beijing Police arrested Jian Cui and charged him with
threatening others’ safety on November 24th, and will detain him for 5 days.
Legal professionals comment, that the police violated the
principle of administrative law enforcement.

Beijing police announced that this is their first case that
relates to online personal safety being threatened.
But netizens are great dissatisfied with the official rhetoric
and action.

Mo Shaoping, the famous Beijing lawyer, said that
there’s proportional principle in law enforcement.
Although it’s not right to express the intention to beat
someone, administrative detention is something that needs to be discussed.

Mo Shaoping: ”What’s the proportional principle in
law enforcement? The administrative punishment should be proportional to the crime.
Which also means that a criminal with a light crime can’t be
punished with a heavy punishment. This is a basic principle.
So, a netizen expressed opinion online, “you punished him
with 5 days’ detention!
I think it’s too much, it violates the proportional principle.”

Wu Fatian’s real name is Wu Danhong. In recent years,
he was very active on internet, and made many controversial remarks,
which attacked the conscience media, the intellectuals, artists, and so on.
He was named ”senior *fifty cents” by netizens.
**(fifty cents is a special group of people in China.
They are hired by the government, and earn fifty cents for each
pro-government comment they send out in BBS, blog, etc.
So far, there may be hundreds of thousands of Fifty Cents in China)

Wu Danhong attempted to conceal his real identity,
but finally he admitted that he is the Associate Processor
in China University of Politics on Sina microblog because
he was afraid of the netizens’ investment power.

Mo Shaoping:”Of course, I also know something.
Like Wu Fatian, those people aren’t responsible to publish some comments online.
Some of their comments were not the basic truth.
Even some of them are attacks. The personal attacks are wrong.”

Lawyer He Huixin said that Wu Fatian uses the title of
Associate Professor of Politics to misinterpret the law, and create a law in order to frame citizens.

Jian Cui, a musician commentator said online:”I particularly
want to beat Wu Fatian, to disable his hands,
so he can no longer mislead the public,
as well as let him know who he is.”

Huang Qi, founder of “June Fourth Skynet”,
said the detention of Jian Cui showed that the police are using selective enforcement.

Huang Qi: ”On the same internet, many people aren’t taking
any accountability, they are even always threatening the civil society.
But there’s many netizens we served, who were arrested by
police when they told police that they were beaten,
they were threatened by government officials,
police and security officials.
I can say this case shows the selective enforcement by
Chinese police.”

Huang Qi thought, each citizen should have the right to
express their opinion freely, and this right should be protected by law.
Every citizen should have right to comment on public affairs,
and should not be pressured by any political power.

NTD Reporters: Li Yun, Tang Rui and Li Ruilin
