【禁闻】新华社建社80年 学者指没有未来










对这个计划,网民气愤的表示: 别丢中国人脸了!!中国的新闻连中国人都不相信,还去忽悠外国人!省点钱给农民、下岗工人、贫困大学生吧!






Xinhua 80 Year Anniversary, Scholar sees no future

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) held a high-profile
celebration for the 80 year anniversary of Xinhua News.
CCP Central Politburo member Li Changchun requested
that Xinhua better server the party,
improve its grasp of public opinion,
and become an international mainstream media.
External media and commentators pointed out,
as the mouthpiece of the CCP,
Xinhua contradicts the nature of a news media.

While the CCP tries it’s best to promote it externally,
there is no future for Xinhua.

On Nov. 7, the CCP official media Xinhua News held it’s 80th
anniversary celebration event at the Great Hall of the People.
CCP central Politburo member and the CCP Propaganda
Chief Li Changchun said during the meeting that
Xinhua is the trusted propaganda agency of the CCP.

He requested that Xinhua maintain it’s correct political direction,
improve its ability to guide public opinion,
increase its international broadcast capability,
and become a world class media.

Regarding this, former Ocean News reporter Zan Aizong
said thatLi Changchun basically requested that
Xinhua continue to be a good “mouthpiece for the party."

Zan Aizong, “Its (Xinhua’s) reports are following
the views of the higher up.
It reports whatever the higher ups want,
the exact depth of the report is given,
so they can only report within the given bounds,
but can’t report anything outside the boundaries."

AFP reported that the regime requested that Xinhua better
serve the party, to expand the international influence of the CCP, increase its “soft strength."
The AFP report also mentioned that, Xinhua is currently
expanding its international branches, to increase from the current 162 to about 200 by the year 2020.

Voice of America pointed out that Xinhua is trying to expand
internationally, but unless it returns to the nature of a news media, it will not have a future.

Former Professor at Beijing University, Jiao Guobiao, famous
for his article “Crusade against the Central Propaganda
Bureau,” told an NTD reporter that as the mouthpiece media of
the CCP, it’s obvious that Xinhua will not be accepted in the international community.

Jiao Guobiao, “As a news media, unless the media returns
to the fundamental values of a news media, it will not grow and won’t last long.
Not seeking truthfulness and objectivity, not following press
freedom and universal values, then what is seeks is poles apart from a real media."

As early as 2009, mainland media reported that the CCP
invested 45 billion yuan to create a CNN style international
24 hours English television channel like the “Al Jazeera"
channel in the Middle East.

Regarding this plan, some infuriated netizens wrote, “Don’t
embarrass the Chinese people!
Even Chinese don’t watch Chinese news,
trying to mess with foreigners!
Save some money for the farmers, unemployed, and poor
college students!"

The CCP was firmly determined to push this “Big External
Promotion Plan” to establish a reputation for the party.
In May of this year, CCP media, CCTV, officially started this
international media broadcast system.
The Xinhua North American branch at Times Square in
New York also went into operation.
Xinhua also established a 24 hour English TV channel.

Regarding this expansion, Zan Aizong believes that although
the CCP invested so much money,
due to this mouthpiece media being are fake and against universal values,
increased broadcasting will only destroy its image.
CCP’s method will be counter-productive.

Zan Aizong, “Looking at Reuters, Associated Press,
Kyodo News, how do their reporters report, then how Xinhua reports.
A comparison shows that how Xinhua reports external events
and internal events, Xinhua is a propanganda tool.
The more money invested, the less influence it will have."

Zan Aizong stressed, Xinhua is surviving off money from the
CCP, it has no real market power.
If the CCP collapsed, under a real market environment,
Xinhua can’t survive a single day.

NTD reporters Tang Rui, Li Qian and Xue Li.
