【禁闻】二代打人成风 李双江入选四大名爹







事发时,苏楠的奥迪车使用的是晋O 00888的车牌,从2008年到今年8月份,共违章36次,但都没有处理。据了解,这个车牌目前属于山西省劳教局。













“This Is A Daddies’ Competition’ Era”

The beating incident of the son of famous Chinese singer
Li Shuangjiang continues to stir up public emotions.
Netizens reveal that the beaten couple is related to the
secretary of Liang Guanglie, China’s Defense Minister.
The accomplice in the beating was said to be
the son of a rich businessman in Shangxi province.
Netizens spoof: “This is a Daddies’ competition’ era.” They
list Li Shuangjiang as one of the “four most famous Daddies.”
Analysts think that if the current social system in China
doesn’t change, this kind of tragedy will continue to occur.

In the past few days, the beating incident of Li Shuangjiang’s
son, Li Tianyi, has been unanimously denounced
by the public and the media. Netizens have
constant, heated discussions on the topic.
A related article on Netease.com reprinted from
Beijing News has attracted 240,000 viewers in just one day.
On September 6, Li Tianyi, driving unlicensed BMW, was
unhappy about the braking and slowing down of a front car.
Because of this, he swore and beat the couple in that car,
helped by the driver of another car (Audi), Su Nan.
The two boys have beaten the couple until they passed out
and their faces were soaked in blood.
The couple’s 5-year-old child was in the car,
frightened, crying and begging them to stop.
The attackers shouted to the onlookers: “Who dares
to call 110!” They also tried to flee from the scene.
A netizen revealed on Sina.com recently
that the couple beaten by Li Shuangjiang’s son and Su Nan
was actually related to the secretary
of Chinese Defense Minister, Liang Guanglie.
Su Nan, 18, claimed that he was a relative of
Shangxi Province Public Security Bureau’ associate director
and Taiyuan city Public Security Bureau’ director. Later
police said Su Nan lied in order to reduce his punishment.
Online information shows that Su Nan is the son
of a rich Shangxi businessman, Su Wenbin.
However, some netizens point out that Su Nan’s father
is the associate director of the equipment finance section,
at the Shangxi Public Security Bureau. His grandfather is
an ex-leader of the Shangxi provincial government.
Referring to Su Wenbin as a ‘rich businessman’ publicly
seemed to be only used as a camouflage.
On the scene, the plate of Su Nan’s Audi car was displaying
“Shangxi O 00888,” the records of which show
that it has a total of 36 violations from 2008 to August 2011,
but none of them was penalized.
It is said that this plate currently belongs to
Shangxi Bureau for Reeducation through Labor.
The BMW driven by Li Tianyi had 32 violations in 2011
alone, but no penalties were implemented yet too.
At the front of the car was displayed a temporary pass
for the Great People’s Hall.
Beneath the rear seats, a submachine gun was found,
for which police said it was a high quality imitation gun.
For the beating incident, netizens sigh: “This is a Daddies’
competition era, yielding so far four most famous Daddies:
Li Gang, Wang Jun, Lu Junqing and Li Shuangjiang.
You cannot compete with neither of them.”
Netizens set off a wave of composing couplets on the topic,
like “I hate that my Dad is not (Li) Gang,”
“I regret my Dad is not (Li) Shuangjiang,”
with the heading reading “Reincarnating as a Li.”
Du Daobin (Independent Chinese scholar): “Such Dads’ lofty
positions and huge power, enabling them to do anything,
and go above others in China, certainly carry
a considerable impact on the sons.
Look at Gary Locke, he came to China with his family
in the image of ordinary folks.”
Professor Sun Wenguang told NTD that this kind of incidents
is commensurate with China’s social environment.
Sun Wenguang (Retired Professor, Shandong University):

“The incident signifies that China has long been
in such a lawless society or environment.
The son learns from his Dad. From youth, the son is
influenced so that he would feel great about himself.
Thus, he does not care of consequences, so at a young age
he would show off by driving BMW and do anything at will.”
As Apple Daily editorial pointed out, while the insolence
of the son of Li Gang has not faded away yet,
the arrogance of Li Shuangjiang’s son roars in our faces.
The Chinese society is chaotic. The 2nd generation of officials,
rich and celebrities are in a “tangled warfare”,
as if they were in the Three Kingdoms, wrote Apple Daily.
However, Liu Yiming, ex-reporter for the Chinese Private
Business magazine told NTD that
the 2nd generation of officials, rich and celebrities,
has common interests.
They are at odds only with the disadvantaged ordinary folks.
Similar incidents will take place often in the future.
Liu Yiming: “If the social system in China is not changed,
the Chinese education system will be severely impacted
by the political system. Many problems will surface
in social, family and academic education.
It is thus likely that the 2nd generation of officials, rich and
celebrities are educated by this society as the human scum.”
On September 8, parents of Su Nan and Li Shuangjiang
went to the hospital in succession to visit the beaten couple,
requesting a pardon for their kids. However,
the beaten couple insisted on taking legal actions.
On September 9, Guangzhou Daily reported that after Li left,
media were blocked from interviewing the beaten couple.
They were even threatened to have their equipment
smashed if they continued to film.
During a phone interview, the victims showed prevarication
about holding the famous sons responsible for the attack.
According to Southern Metropolis Daily newspaper,
on the day before the beatings,
Li Tianyi and Su Nan damaged a taxi,
while driving furiously on the road.
NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Qian and Xiao Yu
