
【新唐人2011年9月5日讯】由中共当局基金背后支持的投资机构,将以12 亿美元,收购陷于破产困境的美国职业棒球大联盟洛杉矶道奇队 ( Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team),有关收购正待美国法院判决。消息引起中美舆论的讨论,有评论指出,这可能是“中国版洛克菲勒中心收购案”,意思是指中国将有如日本,在收购后经济马上一 蹶不振。

《洛杉矶时报》9月2号报导,有知情者透露,“洛杉矶马拉松协会”创办人比尔•伯克(Bill Burke),已向洛杉矶道奇棒球队的拥有者弗兰克•麦柯特(Frank McCourt)发出收购文件,出价12亿美元,购买这支财务状况惨淡的球队经营权,有关交易需得到美国棒球联盟和破产法院批准,整个交易将以现金收购方式完成。

道奇老板麦柯特因为身陷离婚官司,而使这支传统劲旅财务困窘,遭到大联盟代管营运。今年 6月,道奇棒球队向美国地方破产法庭提交了破产申请。

《富比士》(Forbes)杂志报导,麦柯特在2004年以4.3亿美元买下的道奇队,现值约8亿美元,不过另一家芝加哥运动顾问公司则认为,道奇队的价值约为9到11亿美元之间。但从大联盟总裁席利格所取得的讯息,道奇也有高达5.5亿的负债。比尔•伯克(Bill Burke)找到中国一家由中共当局所拥有的投资机构,将提供12亿美元支援。




而根据《美国通》网站近期的报导,中资银行去年为纽约市房地产投入10亿美元贷款。来自中国的投资者正在购买豪华公寓,也计划投入商业和住宅地产数亿美元,开发类似布鲁克林大西洋院(Atlantic Yards)那样的工程。

报导说,跟踪商业地产销售现实的资本分析(Real Capital Analytics)总裁法苏洛(Dan Fasulo)有一天梳理中资投资的纽约市地产交易时,发现名单越来越长。让他感到非常吃惊。


香港《苹果报》发表题为《中资 93亿救美职棒球队 对外展示软实力 网民轰愚蠢》文章,报导指出,中国内地有舆论称赞,收购道奇队是中国对外显示“软实力”的机会,但是,不少网民炮轰当局愚蠢,有网民说:“送礼也不能这么大方!如果是官方的钱,就请跟纳税人说清楚!”


China: $1.2 Billion for L.A Dodgers

A group of investors indirectly financed by the CCP
(Chinese Communist Party) offered $1.2 billion to buy
the bankrupt Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team,
the acquisition is subject to the approval
of the U.S Bankruptcy Court. This news triggered
discussion among U.S and China public,
some critics indicated that this may be a “Chinese version
of the Rockefeller Center acquisition,"
implying China will follow Japan’s economic slump
after the acquisition.

The LA Times reported on September 2,
that LA Marathon founder, Bill Burke,
sent a letter to Frank McCourt, owner of the LA Dodgers
offering $1.2 billion in cash to buy the Dodgers,
all real estate related to the team, and media rights. This
transaction is subject to the Major League Baseball (MLB)
and the U.S Bankruptcy Court approval.

Dodgers’ owner, Frank McCourt, is caught up in his divorce
settlement, leaving L.A Dodgers in financial difficulties,
thus MLB will take over the team.

In June 2011, the Dodgers filed bankruptcy protection
to the U.S District Bankruptcy Court.
Forbes magazine estimated Dodgers’ worth at $800 million.
McCourt bought the Dodgers for $430 million in 2004.
Another Chicago sports industry consulting firm,
Sportscorp Ltd, believes that Dodgers could be worth
anywhere between $900 million to $1.1 billion.
Base on MLB commissioner Selig’s letter to McCourt,
Dodgers carries over $550 million in debt.
Bill Burke’s 1.2 billion bid would be financed from
“certain state-owned investment institutions
of the People’s Republic of China.”
If the transaction is successful, it will be the largest
U.S Major League Baseball acquisition.
Wall Street Journal commented that this acquisition reminded
many of the Japanese investors who bought
the New York Rockefeller Center,
and California Pebble Beach golf course in the 1980s.
The Japanese economy plunged and hasn’t yet recovered.
The article questioned if the Dodgers purchase may be the
“Chinese version of the Rockefeller Center acquisition."

The Epoch Times reported that the consulting firm,
Accenture, indicated the Chinese capital foreign merger
and acquisition cases reached 120 from 2008 to 2010
with over RMB 600 billion.
Among them, its focus had shifted from the energy sector
and extended to culture and leisure sports sectors.
According to a how2usa.com recent report, Chinese banks
invested $1 billion in New York City real estate last year.
Chinese investors are buying luxury apartments, and also
plan to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in commercial
and residential real estate, developing projects similar to
the Brooklyn Atlantic Yards.
The report stated that the president of Real Capital Analytics,
Dan Fasulo, who tracks commercial real estate sales,
was shocked to see the growing long list of the Chinese
capital investment in New York City real estate transactions.
Hong Kong media reported that a wealthy Chinese man,
Huang Nubo, offered $8.8 million for a 300 sq m of pasture
in Iceland, planning to build an outdoor entertainment area.

Foreign media questioned whether this was a strategy
for Chinese authorities to get a foothold
in the North Atlantic to obtain
the Arctic geopolitical interests.
Hong Kong’s Apple Daily published an article entitled
“China spends RMB 9.3 billion to save U.S baseball team,
show off its soft power, netizens call it stupid,"
the article showed some public opinion in mainland China
praised the Dodgers’ acquisition as an opportunity for China
to show “soft power," but many netizens called it “stupid.”
Some commented: “The gift is too generous!
If it is state money, please explain it to the taxpayers!"
NTD reporters Lin Huixin and Ge Lei
