















Made-in-China Moon Cakes Face Troubles

Moon cake has been the traditional desert for Chinese
people all over the world on the Mid-Autumn Day;
it’s also the best gift for friends and family
during the Mid-Autumn festival.
However, as Mid-Autumn is approaching, the made-in-China
moon cakes are restricted from being imported to 34 countries.
Chinese media also exposed serious quality problems in some
moon cakes; Chinese people show less appetite for them.
This year, made-in-China moon cakes are facing troubles
domestically and internationally.

This year, more than 30 countries restricted importing the
made-in-China moon cakes, and also applied stricter rules for
mailing and carrying moon cakes across the border,
especially the kind with egg yolk and meat fillings.
Some countries even limited the amount of made-in-China
moon cakes travelers can carry into these countries.
Last year, there were 16 countries restricting made-in-China
moon cakes; the number increased to 34 this year.
Sichuan environmental activist Chen Yunfei said that
food products in mainland China are raising health concerns,
mainly due to poor supervision by the officials.
Mr. Chen: “the government doesn’t give enough supervision.
Those supervisors and officers of quality control in companies
are taking bribes.
As long as you have money, you can “meet” the standard.
This is poor supervision, it is getting worse.
Another reason is that the media cannot report these cases.
Media also has the role of supervising, but now media is useless
in supervising. All are chasing after profits!”

Chen Yunfei believes that officials condone quality control
exemption for tax purposes.
Corporations and quality control departments collude, resulting
in decreasing confidence in Made-in-China food products.
Parent of a kidney stone baby in China, Jiang Yalin said:
“Anything can be solved with money here.
They just want financial gains; doesn’t matter what it is for.
There are no ethics; no one talks about ethics here.
The morals in this country have dropped
to the lowest point in the history.”
Ms Jiang said that she hadn’t eaten moon cakes for many
years because she saw her friends buying bad moon cakes.
There is no source of purchase, no food safety certificate,
and you can sell it, as long as you pay the quality control unit.
Ms. Liu, who lives abroad told NTD that she never buys food
that’s made in China, because it’s not safe.
Much of it contains toxic ingredients.

Ms Liu: I will not choose moon cakes that are made in China.
I will not choose any food product that’s made in China.
I usually buy things made in Taiwan.”

mid-autumn festival, a reporter from Liaosheng Evening News
went undercover to a brand name moon cake factory in Panyang.
The reporter discovered that the bakers had no health certificate,
the processing room’s disinfecting door was not working
and moon cakes that were dropped on the dust covered floor
were still picked up for packaging.
Workers making fillings did not wear glove;
left-over fillings were used again.

Radio France International said after reading that, one cannot
help but ask how many factories like this exist in China?
Is there still an appetite for moon cakes?

In his book “China Food Safety Survey”, independent writer
Zhou Qing published a list of food regarded as necessities.
The investigation shows the condition of food safety in China.
It shows the food contamination stems from contamination
of morals and ethics,
and the wide-ranging continuation is due to regulations.
Zhou Qing said in the article that the only way to correct the
worsening food safety in China is to reform the political system
through democratization.

NTD reporters Tang Rui and Zhang Jian
