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同一天,“北京网路媒体协会”向网站和网友发出 “抵制谣言 文明微博” 的倡议书。



马晓明(原陕西电视台记者): “为什么出谣言,主要就是因为言路被堵塞,新闻被封闭,真实的消息得不到传播,所以会使谣言有传播和产生的机会。如何抵制和消灭谣言,那就是及时的、迅速的、准确的传播真实的消息。”


马晓明表示: “由于政府控制的媒体,政府本身进行新闻发布,这些不真实的因素,所以人们现在对它发布的新闻往往持怀疑态度。”




马晓明: “实行新闻封锁,是严重的违法行为。他为了掩盖自己的罪行,为了维护自己的统治,他要防止人民知道真相。用他们自己的话讲,是“稳定压倒一切的”。稳定是什么?稳定是不让人们知道真相,不让人们反抗,不让人们发表意见。”



CCP against Freedom Wave

Why does China block Twitter, Facebook and YouTube,
and classify them as “illegal sites”?
Why does the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) consider
VPN as “unauthorized access to overseas websites,”
and prohibits its selling, along with other proxy software?

On August 22, Beijing TV reported that Central Committee
member and Secretary of Beijing Municipal CCP Committee
conducted some research on Sina.com and Youku.com.

He demanded that Internet businesses create
an online atmosphere of public opinion,
and fully utilize the micro-blogs
to spread the socialist core value system.
That same day, Beijing Association of Online Media called
on netizens to boycott microblogs and quash “rumors.”
Following authorities’ instructions this month,
China’s largest online shopping platform, Taobao.com,
announced that VPN software and other proxy software
are now classified as banned products.
Because VPN accesses overseas websites without CCP’s
permission, its sale is now prohibited on Taobao web.
Many question why it’s only China’s authorities
that illegalize Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.
Why is the CCP afraid of the so-called “rumors"?

Comments from China’s netizens reveal
that these “rumors" are more truth than fiction.
Ma Xiaoming (ex-journalist, Shanxi TV):
“Why do these rumors occur?
It’s mainly because freedom of expression is illegal,
news are censored or blocked entirely,
and real information cannot be spread.
This encourages the rumors and their spreading.
How can one quash these rumors?
Spread real news timely and accurately.”
Ma Xiaoming thinks that because the CCP news are untrue,
this contributes to the increasing popularity of the microblogs.
Ma Xiaoming: “The CCP controls the media.
The Party itself makes these press releases.
These factors breed skepticism amongst the public
when it comes to official news reports.”
Netizen ‘Bush Fire’ said that the CCP’s blocking of websites
causes people to lose information channels
which provide news concerning the international community.

If information is transparent in China, it will be closer
to democratization. However, this will shake CCP’s ruling.
Netizen ‘Bush Fire’: “For everything that does not contribute
to stability, the CCP will “strangle it in its cradle.”
The international situation of recent years is not like that
of Deng Xiaoping or Zhao Ziyang’s times.
Now, like in the Middle East, many authoritarian countries
have been overturned. This will be linked to CCP’s regime.
Therefore, the CCP tightens its control over anything
that does not support its rule.”
Ma Xiaoming said that CCP’s censorship nurtures these
rumors – the blockade is a violation of basic human rights.
Such actions should be subject to legal sanctions.

Ma Xiaoming: “The information block is a serious offence.
In order to cover up their crimes and maintain their rule,
authorities want to prevent people from knowing the truth.
In their own words, “Stability overrides everything."
What is to be stabilized? Preventing people from knowing
the truth? From resisting? From expressing?”
The Middle East’s uprising proved that information
censoring is of no use, for freedom cannot be suppressed.
The wave of fighting for freedom cannot be stopped.

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Song Feng and Xiao Yu
