【禁闻】毛像再遭强拆 当局“闻毛色变”?

【新唐人2011年8月11日讯】 继海南文昌毛泽东像被砸毁之后,河南方城县近日也有座毛纪念馆面临强拆。连村民家​​中自设的毛像也被推倒,当局指纪念馆是违法占地。而村民则质疑当局“闻毛色变”才借词清拆。对于毛像这次遭当局强拆,当局的动向如何?下面请一起听一听学者对此事的分析。














Mao’s Statues Face Demolitions

After a statue of Mao Zedong was smashed in Hainan,
another Mao’s memorial hall in Fangchen County, Henan,
is facing a forced demolition.

Even Mao’s statues in villagers’ homes were torn down.

Authorities said the memorial hall occupied land illegally,
while villagers questioned the real reason.
They think that Mao is a sensitive topic for the authorities.

On July 20, Mao Zedong Memorial Hall in Tushan Village,
Henan, received an administrative punishment.
It will be dismantled within a timeframe.

Tushan Village is 5 km away from Fangchen County.
It is named after a barren hill nearby.
Mao’s memorial hall was built on the hill in 2005,
by a local party commissioner Xu Baoqin and others.
It was built upon this hill.

Mao’s memorial hall was scheduled
to open to the public on April 11.
On that very day, dozens of policemen and local officials
besieged this little hill.
Plaques in the memorial hall were taken down and
police warnings of “keep off" were put on the wall.

Hu Ping, chief editor of Beijing Spring magazine believes that

the authorities’ dismantling of Mao’s statue
was not only a construction issue.
It reveals that the authorities have concerns about
commemorating Mao.

Hu Ping: On one hand, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
does not want to cast Mao aside.
Because it is afraid that this would arouse questions
on the CCP’s legitimacy.
On the other hand, CCP knows about Mao’s numerous crimes.

So after considering different factors,
they have chosen a very contradictory way.
That is, on the surface, they still maintain Mao as the CCP’s idol,
but in fact they take actions to diminish his influence.

Not long ago, Chongqing Municipal Party Secretary Bo Xilai
promoted “singing red songs" to follow Mao’s method.
He advocated wearing badges of Mao.
Bo has been heavily criticized for these.

Hu said, the CCP leaders in Zhongnanhai had great concerns
on Bo’s"singing red songs" in Chongqing.
They were also not satisfied with the Maoists’ suggestion
to return to Mao’s era. But, they need Mao as their sign.

Hu: Some people like Bo Xilai use Mao to do things.
(CCP leaders in Zhongnanhai) must dislike this practice.
But they cannot attack these people directly.

So the CCP leaders use some indirect methods, including
forced demolitions, to suppress this practice.

In addition, well-known Beijing-based writer Tie Liu said,

the picture of Mao Zedong on the Tiananmen Square
is often smeared by the people.
Chinese people resent Mao so much, for his evil crimes
during his 27 years of rule.
“Great Leap Forward" and others starved almost 40 million
Chinese people to death.
“The ten years of catastrophes" led China to be trapped in
the “Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution."

Mainland media reported that in the recent years, there has
been the consciousness to remove Mao’s images across China.
In Wenchang City, Hainan, a 10-meter statue of Mao was
torn down, broken into five pieces and beyond recognition.

Wen Kejian, a critic and freelance writer, said that
if all Mao’s statues in China are dismantled,
perhaps there will be no more house demolitions in China.

Independent writer Yu Jie had said earlier that
“China with Mao’s statues is a China with slaves everywhere.
This kind of China requires spiritual enlightenment."

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Tang Rui and Wang Mingyu.
