【禁闻】维权民众遭暴力 中国如黑社会管制





刘飞跃创办的“民生观察工作室”,重点放在各地民生问题上,不直接涉及政治,被认为是一个比较温和的民间维权机构。“民生观察”最近发表了“上海艾福荣、曾霞敏、葛丽芳联合国上访记”,和“上海经租房老人 8月3日战高温讨房”等文章。









Persecution of Human Rights Activists

Recently, two well-known founders of human rights websites
suffered violent attacks or police interrogation .
The authorities also created illegal prisons
to persecute petitioners.
Chinese civilians said, the China ruled by the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) is similar to an underground society.

On August 3, Liu Feiyue, director of the website
Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch was beaten and injured
by a rogue hired by the police from State Security Bureau.

He told NTD that the CCP’s suppression of activists
was becoming more and more severe and brutal.

Liu Feiyue: This afternoon, I went out and was beaten
by Zou Chuangang, who has monitored me for a long time.
When I fought back, he beat me with a stone.
I was injured in the chest, shoulder and waist.
It lasted more than 10 minutes, and did not stopped
until some passers-by gathered to watch.

Liu Feiyue said, when he reported to the police,
the police did not even file the case.
He estimated that the reason behind the attack
is related to his human rights activities,
because the police demanded him to
hand over his articles on rights protection.

Liu Feiyue founded Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch,
a non-political NGO advocating civil rights.
His website recently published several articles,
including “Shanghai petitioners went to UN" and
“Shanghai elderly asked the authorities to return
private housing"

Huang Qi, the founder of website 64tianwang,
was just released from prison in June 2011.
He was again interrogated by police on Aug.4.

The CCP began a new round of prosecution of mild activists,

following its previous persecution of many well-known
human rights lawyers, such as Chen Guangcheng.

The newly released Huang is worried about another jail term.

He said he was warned by his interrogators that authorities
would take actions against him, if he advocates human rights.

The CCP’s unlawful prison issue is shocking.

Li Yufang from Shanghai, has been petitioning for 10 years
and was imprisoned many times, told NTD that
besides large unlawful prisons, small ones are commonplace.
Even the houses in some parks serve as temporary jails.

Li Yufang: Usually they choose a house randomly to jail you,
and several people take turns to monitor you 24/7.
You are forbidden to go out. You have to follow their orders.
If you don’t obey, they would beat you or treat you badly.

Some local authorities hire rogues in the name of
“maintaining stability" to wantonly hold back, capture
and imprison the local petitioners in Beijing.
So unlawful prisons have been created as a result.
Such mafia control can harm the innocent people.

Cai Nianhu (Xiangfan City, Hubei):
The people have a tough time to make a living.
For instance, the Public Security Bureau has links with,
protects and relies on mafia to pay tribute money to them.
The officials give construction contracts to the mafia
in Economic Development Zones.
All the local projects here were completed by the mafia.

Some Chinese media began to pay attention to this issue
appealing to the government to
hold the operators of illegal prisons criminally responsible.

How do the authorities deal with this long-standing issue?
We will continue our coverage.

NTD reporters Liu Hui and Sun Ning.
