【禁闻】美中合作 能否吓阻中共贪官

【新唐人2011年8月2日讯】继加拿大遣返赖昌星之后,目前正在中国访问的美国商务部法律总顾问卡梅隆•克里(Cameron Kerry)28号表示,美国将与中共合作,以遣返潜逃在美国境内的中共贪官。美中这一技术层面上的“反腐合作”,能否达到吓阻中共贪官外逃,并为遣返潜逃贪官铺平道路呢?请看报导:








美国商务部法律总顾问卡梅隆•克里(Cameron Kerry)这次访中关注的焦点,就是反腐败以及商业法规的执行。他说,美国与中国之间目前没有遣返条约,但仍有追踪在逃人员的其他机制。






US-Chinese Cooperation Deters Corrupt Officials?

After Lai Changxing’s repatriation back to China by Canada,

Cameron Kerry, General Counsel of
U.S. Department of Commerce, said on July 28,
while on a visit to China, that the U.S. would cooperate with
China to repatriate corrupt Chinese officials living in the U.S.
Will this “anti-corruption cooperation" deter corrupt Chinese
officials from fleeing China and pave the way for
the repatriation of corrupt officials hiding in the U.S.?

On July 23, China’s most wanted man, Lai Changxing, was
deported back to China, after hiding in Canada for 12 years.
Lai’s return has drawn people’s attention to the high-level
internal power struggles in Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
It also exposes the issue of absconded corrupt CCP officials.

Since the late 1980s, CCP officials have begun to flee
due to their economic crimes.
After three decades, the number of fugitive CCP officials and
the sum of the money they stole remain unknown to the public.

As per CCP’s mouthpiece, People’s Daily’s overseas edition,

the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences estimates that
there are more than 4,000 officials at large overseas.
According to China’s central bank’s report completed in 2008,
from the mid-1990s, between 16,000 and 18,000 CCP cadres
and senior managers of state-owned enterprises
had fled China or disappeared.
People’s Daily reported that the Central Commission for
Discipline Inspection claimed that
these officials took US$50 billion with them.
However, the central bank said the figure to be US$800 billion.

However, people are skeptical of the figures.

In 2010, Peking University Center of Anti-Corruption Studies
statistics showed that in the past 10 years,
10,000 corrupt officials fled to North America and Europe,
taking more than RMB 650 billion (US$101 billion) with them.

Current issues commentator, Wu Fan:
“Too many corrupt officials. The figure has been reduced.
All of the CCP’s claims and figures are false,
so I don’t believe them. Only 4,000 people in these many years?
One province could have more than this figure;
let alone the entire country!"

In recent years, besides rampant flights of corrupt officials,
all CCP officials have become corrupt.
Renmin University’s Institute of International Relations
Political Science professor, Zhang Ming, told Deutsche Welle
that all levels of governments now participate in
economic development and operations,
the so-called “commercialized government."

Thus, the transfer of funds out of China is not difficult, and
“anti-corruption" is basically “a tool used in political struggles."

Current issues commentator Zhang Tianliang said that the
CCP’s corrupt system encourages corruption among officials.

Zhang Tianliang: “Lots of corrupt officials are not investigated,
because they are protected by the authorities.
The people in power allow or even encourage them to embezzle,
in exchange for their support and loyalty.
As this system encourages corruption, in return, the
corrupt officials are willing to maintain this system.”

U.S. Commerce Department General Counsel
Cameron Kerry’s focus on his visit is
anti-corruption and commercial code enforcement.

He said that there is no repatriation treaty
between the U.S. and China.
However, other mechanisms are available to track fugitives.

What effect can a Sino-U.S. anti-corruption cooperation have?
Professor Zhang Ming expressed his doubts.
He said that anti-corruption departments, such as Commission
for Discipline Inspection and Anti-Corruption Bureau,
engage in embezzlement and corruption.
How can they be put in charge of fighting corruption?

Zhang said that the depth of an investigation into a
corrupt official reflects the extent of an existent power struggle.

Zhang: “In the past dozen years, corruption has intensified as
China doesn’t have an independent judiciary system or open media.
To the CCP, judiciary independence
and an independent monitoring mechanism
are a larger threat to the Communist regime
than the corrupt officials.
So the CCP would rather indulge its officials in embezzling,
because it needs to maintain its own power."

“Anti-corruption does not destroy the country;
it destroys the party.”
This saying is widely circulating in China.

It also reflects the CCP’s embarrassment
and dangerous position on this issue.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Shang Yan and Bo Ni
