【禁闻】“怜中华” 瑞典留学生被驱逐出境




4月8号,应斯文在网上发出第一封公开信,他指出,中国不是民主和自由的国家,按性质应该将“中华人民共和国”改为“中华共产党国”。6 月18号,应斯文的第二次公开信是写给胡锦涛的。他在信中批评中共掩盖历史真相,比如对毛泽东,刘少奇、文化大革命和六四天安门学生运动等等。

6 月27号,应斯文发表第三封公开信,他呼吁网友们在7月1号晚上6点,中共建党90年时,到上海外滩举行“闪电集会”,他请参与者自己把身体定格成僵硬状态,并且在身上写上"自由"二字,以抗议当局。他还在自己的中文博客上邀请中









Swedish Student Expelled by China

Sven Englund, a Swedish student learning Chinese
at Shanghai’s Fudan University was expelled on July 9
for “impeding social management."
Englund sent 3 letters to communist party head Hu Jintao,
criticizing the lack of democracy and freedom in China.
He also called online for Flash rally activities in Shanghai.
Englund wrote on Twitter “Poor China." Chinese citizens
think under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),
not only the Chinese. but the foreigners lack freedom too.

Englund was escorted by police to a Sweden-bound plane,
and arrived in Sweden on July 10.
Sveriges Radio reported his deportation on July 9.

Englund, 24, is seen by the Chinese as a “Twitter freak."
He has written 12,270 messages on Twitter.
He was studying Chinese at Fudan University in Shanghai.

On April 8, Englund published his first open letter online.
He pointed out that China is not a democratic and free state.
Its current name “People’s Republic of China"
should be changed to “CCP State." On June 18,
he addressed his second open letter to Hu Jintao.
In the letter, he criticized the CCP for covering up the truth,
including the crimes of Mao Zedong,
the Cultural Revolution, the Tiananmen Massacre, etc.

On June 27, Englund posted his third open letter online,
asking netizens to hold a “Flash rally" on Shanghai’s Bund
on July 1, the 90th anniversary of the CCP.
He asked the participants to write “freedom" on their cloths.
On a Chinese blog he also invited Hu Jintao to attend.

On July 1, instead of Hu, the Shanghai police came for him.
He was accused of “crimes impeding social management."
Coming home, he wrote on Twitter, “I will be careful now.
However, in my heart I have a lot to tell Mr. Hu."
The next day he wrote on Twitter, “Poor China, too many
people insist on protecting the rotten system there."

Englund revealed, the police tried to put pressure on him
to give his Twitter password. He said to them,
it is my rights that I don’t give it to you,
They kept pressuring him for half an hour, but gave up.

He wrote, “I cannot count how many times they told me,
‘This is not Sweden. You are in China.’"

What is the difference between Sweden and China?
The puzzled Englund wrote, “Impeding social management.
I am not sure about its translation.
These officials confuse me a lot."
“It seems that advocating freedom in China
is impeding social management."
In the end, he posted the Chinese Constitution on Twitter.

Shen Liangqing, ex-prosecutor in Anhui and dissident: “
This (lack of freedom of speech) is typical for China!
Western countries have the freedom of speech.
If a Chinese student does this in Sweden,
there will be no problem.
It doesn’t work in China though, as there is
no freedom of speech for Chinese and foreigners alike."

On July 8, Englund took his exam and got the results.
However, he couldn’t participate in his graduation ceremony,
as Chinese authorities canceled his visa and expelled him.
On July 8, authorities issued a new visa to shorten his stay.
He was told to leave China before July 10.
As this visa was valid for two days only,
it was called “the shortest visa in history."
On July 9, the police escorted Englund to the airport.

Author Xu Hui said, Englund’s Chinese name means
“Be gentle." It seems China has lost all its gentleness.

NTD reporter Zhao Xinzhi and Li Lu.
