【禁闻】李天天再遭绑架 维权律师倍受打压



















Human Rights Lawyer Abducted

The annual inspection of Chinese lawyers ended on June 30.
Many human rights lawyer failed it,
and thus they are unable to continue their work.
On July 6, Shanghai-based human rights lawyer Li Tiantian
was abducted again and detained by the authorities.
Amnesty International recently says that to maintain stability,
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses various means
to silent the Chinese rights lawyers.

On Feb. 19, one day before the “China’s Jasmine Walk",
Li, who often speaks for human rights online,
together with several other human rights activists,
were made “disappeared” by the Chinese authorities .

Li said that the police detained her in a windowless suite
for three months, and kept abusing, threatening
and interrogating her overnight. They even tried to sabotage
the relationship between her and her boyfriend.

During detention, Li was forced to terminate her employment
with her law firm.
As a result, she missed the lawyer annual inspection.

Li Tiantian: They told me that the inspection was finished,
and that even if I found a new law firm, it would be too late.
Besides, I do not want to be a lawyer anymore.
I suffered too much pressure in the past dozen years.
I’m physically and mentally too tired to continue.

On May 28, Li was released, and forced back to Xinjiang,
where her hukou is registered.
She was warned not to return to Shanghai for three months.
On June 7 and 28, she tried twice to return to Shanghai,
but was expelled by the police in Shanghai.

On July 6, Lee tried again to return to Shanghai,
but upon entering Shanghai train station,
she was taken away by plainclothes policemen.
Mr. Xiao, a friend that accompanied Li, said,
“She was already detained while still on the train.
The moment the train stopped,
about four or five people in plainclothes went onto the train
and took her away with her luggage."

Amnesty International issued a report on June 30 saying that
the CCP stepped up the repression of lawyers,
who bravely represent Falun Gong practitioners, home churches
and people whose lands were forcefully acquired.
The CCP revokes and suspends their legal licenses,
makes them disappear and torture and abuse them.

This report cites 39 cases, including those of rights lawyers
Zhang Sizhi, Gao Zhisheng, Teng Biao, Chen Guangcheng,
Mo Shaoping, Ni Yulan and other suppressed lawyers.

The 84-year-old lawyer Zhang Sizhi used to serve as head of
defense in the cases against Lin Biao and the “Gang of Four”.
In 2008, he won the German Petra Kelly Prize for human rights.

Zhang Sizhi: The Chinese authorities’ suppression of lawyers
has become increasingly severe and complex.
In the past 2 or 3 years, the number of people suppressed
kept increasing, leaving no space to fight for human rights.
Under its one-party rule, the CCP intervenes and controls
the judiciary. It is impossible to have judicial independence.

2011 annual inspection of Chinese lawyers ended on June 30.
Beijing human rights lawyer Liang Xiaojun said that
an especially large number of lawyers failed the inspection,
including Cheng Hai, Li Baiguang, Li Dunyong, and himself.

Patrick Poon, Executive Secretary of
China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group in Hong Kong:
We feel that the inspection system is getting more outrageous.
It has become a means for the government to control lawyers.
We urge the Chinese government to abolish the inspection system.

Yang Zaixin and other 3 human rights lawyers from Guangxi
were accused of abetting the witness to commit perjury.
They were detained by the Public Security Bureau on June 13.
A support group of rights lawyers from various places
has set off to Guangxi to negotiate with the Beihai police.

Jin Guanghong, who has represented Falun Gong practitioners,
was abducted in Beijing on June 28 and sent to Shenyang.
He was thrown off at Shanhaiguan service area on the highway,
and is still out of contact.

Chen Xin, Amnesty International Asia-Pacific spokesman says,
“Since Feb, the government has detained at least 6 lawyers.
Liu Shihui was sent back to Inner Mongolia on June 12.
He is still under house arrest at home.
Tang Jingling’s wife was threatened that Tang faces prosecution.
We urge the authorities to inform us his whereabouts."

On July 1, the CCP’s Central Political Commission Secretary
Zhou Yongkang stressed again the so-called “adherence to
the Party’s absolute leadership over political and legal issues."
As per Amnesty International, since February 2010,
over 130 activists and lawyers have gone missing or been detained.
The organization calls upon the international community to
take actions to demand the release of the human rights lawyers.

NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Xue Li
