【禁闻】传中投收购“脸书”股权 各方揣测

【新唐人2011年7月6日讯】有从事“脸书” (Facebook)股票交易的相关人员透露说,“中国主权财富基金——中国投资有限责任公司”有兴趣购买“脸书”股份,准备投入资金12亿美元。不过,“脸书”是一个不被批准进入中国的网站,“中投公司”用国家基金想要收购它的股权,这意味着什么?且听各方专家的不同解读。

据《美国之音》引述美国新闻网站“商业内幕”(Business Insider)的报导,有消息说,中国与一个美国基金接触,探讨是否能为中国购买“举足轻重”数量的“脸书”股权。这家美国基金正在购进前“脸书”雇员持有的股权。不过,“中投公司”还没有对此发表评论。


但是有专家认为, 这种担心是多余的。据推测,“脸书”明年上市时,市值将高达1000亿美元。12亿美元购买不了太多影响力。另外,股东没有权利介入公司的经营,更不能去审查用户在“脸书”上的言行。





“脸书”和“推特”等社交网站,在北非的“茉莉花革命”中发挥了巨大作用,促成政权的更替。但是他们在中国并没有产生同等的效果。“皮尤研究中心”的互联网专案主任李.雷尼(Lee Rainie)认为,新媒体不但在中国会失灵,更会成为政府用来打击异议人士的工具。他认为,独裁政权监视着社交媒体空间,并且监视电话网络,他们可以利用这样的监测,来找出并且击破反对政权的人。





CIC Intends to Purchase Facebook Equity

Stocker traders working with Facebook said,
sovereign wealth fund China Investment Co (CIC)
had expressed interest in buying Facebook’s equity.
They are getting ready to invest USD 1.2 billion.
However, Facebook is banned in China,
what’s the implication of CIC’s intention
to buy Facebook’s equity using a national fund?
Various experts have different opinions.

Voice of America, quoting Business Insider, said
there are indications that China had been in touch
with an American fund, probing the possibilities of
buying a “substantial” amount of Facebook equity.
The fund is buying equity from Facebook staff.
CIC has yet to comment on this.

Business Insider said, a restrictive regime
like China, intending to purchase Facebook equity,
should raise some concerns among
the 700 million Facebook users,
as their activities and photos might be censored.
But some experts believe this is superfluous:
when Facebook appears on the market next year,
its market capitalization will be USD 100 billion.
USD 1.2 billion isn’t much of an influence. Besides,
shareholders don’t interfere with daily operations,
nor do they censor Facebook users’ activities.

Wang Junxiu (founder of China Labs
and chief editor of website “Bokee”):
It means financial groups and finance ministry’s
bureaucrats believe Facebook is worth the price.
It might help bring Facebook to China.
But the final decision does not rest with them.”

Xie Wen, ex-General Manager of Yahoo China,
thinks this indicates the regime’s attitude change.
It might green-light Facebook’s entry into China.
It will help bring positive changes to
China’s Internet freedom.

Xie Wen: Otherwise it would be very silly.
A sovereign fund investing in a product
that’s off limit to its own people.
That would be very strange.

However, China expert Gordon Chang believes
people should pay attention to the long-run effects.
He said, “When China accumulates enough equity,
they can affect Facebook.
Users can’t post so-called controversial comments.”
Zhang believes Beijing has a long-term goal
and intends to affect social media in the future.

Facebook and Twitter played a significant role
in the Jasmine Revolutions in North Africa.
But they didn’t have the same effect in China.
Lee Raine, director at Pew Researcher Center,
believes the new media will not work in China;
it will be used by the regime to suppress dissidents.
Dictatorial regimes monitor social medias and
the phone networks. They will use the surveillance
to seek out and destroy those who oppose them.

Xie Wen, on the other hand, believes the Internet,
including various social media websites,
can propel China’s modernization and opening up.

Xie Wen, “the free flow of information helps people
access the information.
Improved social interactions reduce the costs.
This creates convenience for people
discussing the directions of the society,
as well as promoting social changes.”

Zhang believes that Beijing wishes to influence
the world’s opinion on China, not just in China.
That’s why CCTV, Xin Hua and People’s Daily
are expanding their overseas market.
They are trying to influence overseas media
by purchasing their equity.

NTD reporters Qin Xue and Xue Li
