






赵岩:“让我们看《建党伟业》不允许我们建党,让我们‘唱红歌’又不允许革命,这就是一个荒唐的事。严格一点讲它不是一部电影,是一部宣传广告片,政治宣传广告片,那你还收什么钱呢?给优惠券就更滑稽了,本身这部电影拿到这儿来演就滑稽的事,你给大家优惠才让大家去看就更滑稽一个事儿。 ”








Few Students Watched It

The Chinese film ‘Beginning of the Great Revival’
opened for public viewing in N. America on June 24.
Chinese embassies supported student associations
to notify students of discounts to watch the film,
but few students actually went to see it,
signifying the new generation’ awakening
from the CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) lies.

The North America premiere of the film was held
in the AMC Cinema in Los Angeles on June 20.
The film went public on June 24 in 10+ cinemas
in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York,
Washington DC and Toronto.

According to some Chinese students in the U.S.,
the Chinese Students and Scholars Association
(CSSA) offered them discounts to watch the film.

Student Sun at UGA: “They told us we could watch
the film for a discounted price of $7.5.
We did not reply to them.
Nobody around us seems to watch the film either.”

Student Wang from DC: “We received an email
from the CSSA motivating us to watch the film.
It said we could contact them to receive discounts
if Chinese students would like to watch the film.”

Zhao Yan, former news director of ‘China Reform’
magazine and news assistant to New York Times,
now living in New York, said that it is ridiculous
to show such a communist film in North America.
It is only propaganda and shouldn’t charge a dim.

Zhao Yan: “You ask us to watch party-founding film,
but prohibit us from founding a party;
you want us to sing revolutionary songs,
but disallow us to engage in revolution.
How absurd this is! Strictly speaking it is not a film
but propaganda, or is it a political advertisement?
It is ridiculous to bring this film to the U.S.
and allure people to watch it by discounts.”

Shi Yi, Chinese student in NY said, this film gets
only 2-3/10 on popular U.S. film rating websites.
Many youngsters tease and goof the film.
They believe Beijing did not achieve its original goal
for the film based on the negative public responses.

Shi Yi: “Some comments indicate that this film
actually is to teach people how to make revolution.
Most public responses are a surprise to the regime.
The communist regime is slapping its own face.
You can see how much grievances people have.
The new generation is getting more mature
and rational. They are awakening from the lies
imposed on them over the past decades.”

Zhao Yan said, just like the 1989 film on PRC’s
founding ceremony, this is also a film of political
propaganda which will not go down in history.
Zhao once criticized the 1989 film on PRC’s
founding ceremony before 13 Chinese film makers.

Zhao Yan: “That film was only about the 1949
founding ceremony, but from 1949 to 1978,
there is no clear appraisal of the history yet.
History can only be evaluated by new generations,
not determined by this generation.”

VOA said, before 1949 the CCP claimed
that it would bring democracy, freedom
and uncorrupt government to people,
which touched many Chinese and contributed
to the overthrow of KMT government in China.
Yet many people in China today complain,
the communist regime gave even less freedom
and democracy to people and it is actually
more corrupt than the KMT government.

VOA asks is it an accomplishment or sin
to found the Chinese Communist Party?
This is a serious question with philosophical,
historical and practical importance.

NTD reporters Qin Xue and Zhou Ping
