【禁闻】《我是黎智英》成禁书 缘起“六四”










最典型的案例是1994年7月,黎智英在旗下的《壹周刊》刊登了一封题为《给王八蛋李鹏的公开信》,强烈指责“六四”事件当时的中共总理李鹏。 此后,他的“佐丹奴”业务也因此在中共的压力下被迫结束。




China Bans “I am Jimmy Lai"

Zhuhai Publishing House recently published
Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai’ autobiography
“I am Jimmy Lai." The regime banned the book.
Zhuhai Publishing House was therefore purged.
Its president, editor-in-chief and senior employees
were dismissed. What is in this book
that violates the communist’ regime base line?

Lai is the founder of One Week and Apple Daily.
He wrote an autobiography “I am Jimmy Lai",
which got published in Zhuhai City, Guangdong.
It starts public offering in mainland bookstores too.

The book drew high regulatory attention in mainland.
Guangdong Provincial Publishing Bureau claimed
subsequently that the book is still under consideration
and can not be sold in the market now.

Hong Kong’ Oriental Daily reported, the State Press
and Publication’ Administration and Bureau
of Guangdong Province all sent people to Zhuhai
to investigate. Zhuhai Publishing House president,
VP, editor-in-chief, senior editors were dismissed.

On June 13, netizen asked online: “Why did ‘Joyo’
and ‘Dangdang’ take the book off the shelf?"

Before “I am Jimmy Lai" was published in mainland
and has also been reported on prior to its publication.
The ban of this book now could be due to the fact
that the regime is against Lai’s political position.

Born in December 1948, in Shunde, Guangdong,
Lai comes from a wealthy family that lost all after
the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) took power.

When he was 12, he swam to sneak into Hong Kong.

Lai became from the “new rich" in Hong Kong.
He started from scratch, founding the casual brand
“Giordano" in 1981. The Tiananmen “6•4″ massacre
was a major turning point for him.

It is said that after “6•4″ massacre he got involved
actively, crying out against the students’ tragic death,
selling T-shirts for the Alliance charity,
and publishing advertisements with friends
to support former editor of HK’s Wen Wei Po.

In July 1994, Lai published a letter in One Week,
entitled “Open Letter to Li Peng, Son Of A Bitch,"
criticizing Premier Li Peng for the “6•4″ massacre.
Since then, CCP has forced his business to close.

Jimmy Lai created One Week in 1991, using
the slogan “Do Not Pretend To Be Sophisticated,
Just Tell The Truth." One Week published
intense investigative interviews, satirizing CCP,
making it a best-selling publication within two years.
On June 20 1995, Apple Daily started with a pretty
layout, full color print and a first line of readers,
soon becaming the second biggest newspaper in HK.

Lai’s political stance permeates his media empire,
he acts as anti-communist, promoting democracy.
As One Week and Apple Daily always criticized
the communist totalitarian dictatorship
and Hong Kong’s Special Administrative
Government, Lai has been alienated by the regime.
Reporters of Apple Daily and One Week
always encounter difficulties in China from CCP.
The two magazines are banned in mainland China.

NTD reporters Li Jing and Li Lu
