
【新唐人2011年6月21日讯】在无数影迷的期待声中,好莱坞塑造的功夫熊猫“阿宝”重出江湖,动画片《功夫熊猫2》在中国上映后再次创下票房神话。不过,有大陆艺术家呼吁“罢看”,说这是好莱坞要洗中国人的脑,是文化侵略。不过,尽管遭遇 “抵制”风波,却很难撼动《功夫熊猫2》在中国电影市场的受宠地位。












北京学者陈永苗:“我们的爱国是国家是要给人民带来民主自由,这种爱国主义是成立的。这个民族(主义)是损害国民利益的,难道我们还要去‘爱国’?”赵半狄他们抵制《功夫熊猫》,实际上是以爱国的名义来掩盖他(背后)肮脏的商业利益。其实这种不是爱国,而是卖国, 把这个国家出卖了, 把民族利益出卖了。”





“Panda Man” Counter Kung Fu Panda Ⅱ?

Kung Fu Panda, Po, came back again in series Ⅱ,
making a hit in box office of Chinese cinemas.
Some Chinese artists assert it was a cultural invasion,
and appeal to prevent people from watching it.
Despite the sporadic boycott, Kung Fu PandaⅡ
is still the best selling movie with public welcome.

Kung Fu Panda II made its debut on May 28 in China.
In sequel to I, panda Po will challenge peacock Shen,
who intends to destroy Kung Fu world,
and Po will fight along with his Furious Five,
Also, Po’s own mysterious origin will soon be unveiled.

Mysterious Chinese treasures such as Dandan noodles,
Qingcheng Mountain, Taoism, etc. are elaborated.
Some Chinese netizens say they were touched to tears
for how precise and unadulterated for the description
of Chinese culture from the western understanding.

A box hit of RMB 100 million yuan in 2 days.
It breaks Avatar’s record of 100 million in 3 days.
Panda II has become the most welcomed film in China.

Opposite to panda Po, a so-called “Panda Man”,
Zhao Bandi, claims to seal its record within 300 million.
Zhao himself pays for the ads to boycott the film.

Zhao was sided with by Sun Lijun, head of the cartoon
school of Beijing Film College, and Kong Qindong,
a professor at Beijing University.

Mao Zedong’s adherent Kong Qindong wrote:
“Hollywood not only takes money from you,
it brainwashes you and conquers your heart also.”
He regarded Hollywood films as a cultural invasion.
He says the World War III has begun; China is invaded
because “some fools were brainwashed by U.S. films.”

China Review News commented on this Panda war
by saying that the cultural invasion is groundless.
It is merely a clamour with fake patriotism.

Beijing scholar Chen Yongmiao: “They boycott
Kung Fu Panda with a fake claim of patriotism.
From a cultural perspective, this film does not entail
any national interests of the U.S.
It is impossible for the U.S. to gain any national interests
from the films of Kung Fu Panda.”

Netizens, however, don’t pay much attention to boycott.
The box office goes well, earning RMB 340 million
in the first 9 days.

Netizens say this film is like a love letter from
Hollywood, as it shows the world Kung Fu and Panda,
the two most featured cultural elements of China.

Some netizens said, Zhao Bandi and Kong Qindong
boycotted the film in order to popularize themselves.

Chen Yongmiao: “Patriotism relies on democracy
and freedom for its feasibility. Nationalism, however,
goes against the interests of the people, which we
should not follow. Zhao Bandi and the like boycotted
the Kung Fu Panda for their own commercial interests
in the name of patriotism.
That is not patriotism, but on the contrary, a betrayal.”

This is not the first time that Zhao Bandi boycotts.
Back to 2008, Zhao, without seeing Kung Fu Panda I,
went on demonstration in front of the Chinese film bureau,
showing banners against Hollywood and Kung Fu Panda.
Although few people followed his protests, he was soon
received to a meeting with the film bureau director.

Beijing Daily once carried an article, describing
Zhao Bandi’s boycott as nonsense.

According to VOA, Kung Fu Panda II was delayed
one day for its debut in Sichuan under pressure,
and Zhao regards it as a success of his boycott.

NTD reporters Dai Jing ,Wang Ziqi and Bo Ni
