【禁闻】南科大罢考 挑战高考制度




南科大学校长朱清表示,45位学生集体放弃高考,是“背水一战”的表现。校长说:“这45个青年拿他们一生的前途来参加学校的教改实验……回去参加高考就是回到了体制内,实验还有什么意义。 ”






山东大学退休教授孙文广 :“内心深处对中国现在出现的很多问题,表现的中国的腐败、表现官场的一些不好的习气,是反对的。他们要抵制这个考试,这在全国都有发生。这种抵制就是对过去招生制度,是一种抗议、是一种否定。”




Students Challenge Exam System

The 2011 university entrance exam in China ended.
It was riddled with suicides, strikes and protests.
45 students of the 1st experimental class of SUSTC
South University of Science and Technology of China
all refused to participate in the entrance exam.
BBC believes that SUSTC’s self-directed admission
has greatly challenged China’s entrance exam system.
What repercussions will follow? Let’s take a look.

Chinese media Guangming.net reported that
by legislation, SUSTC in Shenzhen has obtained
autonomy to freely admit students and grant degrees.
Agreements are signed by students and the school.

2011 university entrance exam started on June 7.
Besides in 4 provinces and for some ethnic minorities,
the exam ended on June 8, in 27 Chinese provinces.
A total of 9,330,000 candidates took the exam.
However, in SUSTC, the exam rooms were empty.
The exam was canceled.15 minutes after it started.

SUSTC’s Principal Zhu Qingshi said, the walk-out
of these 45 students is their “last stand" expression.
Zhu said, “These 45 young people use their future
to participate in the school’s reformative experiment.
Taking the exam is going back to the current system.
The (autonomy) experiment would be meaningless.

Employee at Shenzhen Bureau of Education:
SUSTC has autonomy to recruit its own students.
It is possible that these students have been admitted,
so they don’t need to take the entrance exam.

As per Radio Free Asia, on May 30, a netizen called
“SUSTC Private Blogger" published an open letter
to people who care about SUSTC’s development.

It read, “SUSTC is facing unprecedented difficulties.
The Education Bureau requested us to take the exam
and go back to the college entrance exam system.
We found their decision unacceptable."

Retired Prof. Sun Wenguang of Shandong University:
The entrance exam is actually a bureaucratic exam.
Through the exam, Communist Party (CCP) officials
force the students to praise the CCP’s leadership.
For example, one essay topic was “China’s Rise".
Many students have negative opinions about the topic.

Sun believes that some students want to use strikes
to express their dissatisfaction with the system.

Sun: Deep down, they oppose many current issues,
including corruption and bad habits of officials.
They want to boycott the exam.
in protest of this university admission system.
This happened across China.

Netizen You Yujing, who took the exam last year,
told Radio Free Asia that the exam is inhumane.
Regardless how well the candidates usually study,
their fate is sealed by one exam, which is unbearable.

On June 7, a candidate in Longhui County of Hunan
was refused entry for being 15 minutes late.
He committed suicide by jumping from his dorm room.
On the same day, a candidate in Haizhu, Guangzhou
also jumped to his death for the same reason.

NTD reporters Huang Lida , Tang Rui and Zhou Tian.
