【禁闻】药家鑫处死 民意还是阴谋?

【新唐人2011年6月9日讯】在中国引发极大民愤的杀人犯药家鑫最近被处死。这个本来并不复杂的案件,牵动了整个网络、媒体与社会,为药家鑫开脱罪责的声音更是不断出现,让民间不时担忧:法律再次被践踏。而这次顺应民意处决药家鑫,再一次引来各方舆论对这个案件的探讨,其中也不乏“阴谋论”之说。 我们下面来看看报导。






昝爱宗(前国家海洋报记者):“这样的事件发生太不幸了, 人要能通过这样的事情能反思一下,能给活着的人一种启示,要珍惜生命、尊重每一个生命。”


另有舆论认为,药家鑫的死,其实是一场官方布下的“阴谋”。网络上有一篇名为《药家鑫案最后的胜利者出人意料》的文章,作者认为,药家鑫案如此火热的原因是:药家鑫的背后有一个实力强大的“公关团队”,而这个“公关团队”的目地,却不是像表面所表现的—— 为药家鑫免死,而是要在掀起一轮轮高潮、吊足民众的胃口之后,再让药家鑫“顺应民意”曲折而艰难的死去。从而让老百姓天真的以为中国的法律真的是不畏强权的,是公正的,进而烘托出中共的“伟光正”。文章还说,这是中共一贯以来的常用手法。





Public Will Or PR Conspiracy?

Yao Jiaxin, a murderer who infuriated the public,
was sentenced to death and said to be executed.
His case has involved both the media and society.
Some defend him, while others worry
about laws being disregarded. As Yao’s sentence
seems to follow the will of the public,
some see this process as more of a “conspiracy.”

Yao Jiaxin, student at Xi an Music Conservatory,
hit a woman with his car last October and
instead of calling an ambulance,
Yao stabbed the woman 8 times, killing her.
Escaping the scene, Yao injured two more people.

This April, Xi an municipal court sentenced
Yao Jiaxin to death for intentional homicide.
Yao’s appeal was overturned by the Shaanxi
Supreme Court, and the Chinese Supreme Court
approved the death sentence.
Yao’s execution was announced on June 7.

Yao Jiaxin’s cruelty has drawn wide attention.
Amidst public anger however, official media
put out a series of reports defending Yao.
Li Meijin, a criminal psychologist
from Xi an Public Security University,
said Yao’s knife attack on the hit victim
was an “involuntary reaction.”.

Official media tried to instill doubts in the public
whether Yao should receive the death penalty.

Now when Yao’s death sentence is executed,
many ponder about this incident.

Zai Aimin (former reporter): “This case is so sad
and people should reflect on its meaning;
we must treasure and respect each and every life.”

Radio Voice of America said that with media
and the Internet, the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) cannot neglect the power of netizens;
and Yao’s sentence is victory of the people.

Others see Yao’s case as a regime’s “conspiracy.”
A blog article on Yao’s “surprise sentencing” said
that a professional PR team is behind Yao’s case.
The PR goal was hidden. It defended Yao,
so people’s interest in the case would rise,
and this would highlight Yao’s final sentence
as a hard process of “following public opinion.”
People would see that the law is fair
and the CCP is great and right.

During Yao’s case, the official CRI Online wrote:
“public opinion can’t be base of Yao’s sentencing.”

Not only did official media defend Yao,
five Xi an professors also asked for leniency.

After the media campaign in Yao’s defense,
Central Chinese TV commented,
“Yao’s case reflects the just legal procedures.”
For some, the motive of the official PR is clear.

NTD reporters Huang Lida , Li Qian and Zhu Di
