




据了解, 2008年这个定培项目共招收300人。但学生说,最初实际招生人数超过千人。学生入学时少的交2万多元赞助费,多的交了40多万。

化名的学生(wzh479)在百度留言:“我就是当事受害人之一!现在学校就是拖时间! 别到4年后 学校与教职工一起卷钱跑了! 希望以后别有更多人被此类学校受骗! ”

但搜狐微薄网友说:中央财经大学经济学院800多名学生都是“光明正大” “合法”的被欺骗 !!!





新唐人记者 宋风 刘惠综合报导。

Students In Deceit

Central University of Finance and Economics
was reported to commit fraud in student enrolments.
It failed to honor its promise for a Bachelor Degree,
and students need to take extra years to graduate.
Victims sought help online causing netizens critique.
Under the rule of Chinese Communist Party (CCP),
declined social morality and frauds are ubiquitous.

Central University of Finance and Economics’
(CUFE) fraud video appeared on China’s Internet
showing that CUFE designed 7 programs such as
Finance and Computer Information management
since 2008 and enrolled about 300 students.
Students were said to take full-time undergraduate
courses in 4 years study and be granted with
Diploma when graduated, plus Bachelor’s Degree
when qualified, both to be awarded by CUFE.

These videos have now been deleted from the web.

Offering only Internet college graduation certificate,
with a Bachelor Degree not obtainable
until upgraded from college to university,
majority of the students decided to quit their study,
and the rest 800 sought help online.
CUFE said that these students were less qualified
and such steps were essential before they graduated.

The 2008 enrollment was said to need 300 students,
but over 1,000 were enrolled. Students were made
to pay fees ranging from RMB20K to RMB400K.

A student nicknamed “wzh479″ said on Baidu.com,
I was a victim, the university was delaying the time
and schemed to run away with my money!
I wouldn’t want more people to be fooled!”

Bloggers said on Sohu.com that those 800 students
at CUFE were bluntly and “legally” deceived.

Renowned lawyer and writer Guo Guoting noted
that a nation is rooted in education, whereas CCP
was enslaving China’s education for the purpose
of CCP’s one-party ruling perpetuation
and its nature of fakeness, wickedness and violence
was destroying the 5000-year old Chinese culture.

Guo Guoting (former Chinese rights lawyer): “Only
education based on civility, freedom and community
can foster real knowledgeable men, specialist,
scholars and qualified citizens. The resurrection
of Chinese tradition can not be realized until existing
party enslaved education is not abolished. For that,
CCP must resign from all educational institutions.”

According to Si Yiming, staff of educational ministry
the CUFE previous promotions were problematic.
Fellows from Advanced Educational Association
said that there were many fake enrolment victims
who got nowhere to complain, as careless
departments of industry and commerce,
as well as the police department, left them helpless.
The core reason was a lack of supervision.

Writer Ji Yuliang thinks China’s social morality
is in a mess, given the half-a-century CCP education
and lies from the so-called “people’s government”,
which keeps persecuting its own people.
The so-called “serving people” slogan is in fact
for the privileged and for those with vested interests.
With such false political backup and fake ideology,
the society is thriving on the trend of hypocrisy.

NTD reporters Song Feng and Liu Hui
