【禁闻】中国女排背毛诗 “红风”吓跑外商





香港《东方日报》报导,为宣扬中共革命事迹、谋求执政合法性,早在2004年,中共中央就要求在全国范围掀起红色旅游活动,但并没有能够形成热潮。薄熙来主政重庆后,大搞红色运动,《重庆卫视》变成了“红色频道”, 甚至交警罚单也改成红色,使重庆俨然成为中国的“红都”。






从5月3号起,湖北武汉市的所有洒水车将停止播放歌曲《祝你生日快乐》,而改唱“红歌”。 武汉当局号称:此举是为了使司机消除夜间作业疲劳。




For London 2012 Recite Mao

In recent years, “Red Wind" has re-emerged
in Mainland China, from Chongqing, Jiangxi, Hubei
to Guangdong. Recently, “Red Wind" also spread
to the sports: for the London Olympics 2012
reciting Mao’s poetry is required
from the women’s volleyball team. This news
attracted immediate scolding from netizens.
Hong Kong media said that authorities may apply
divestment if the situation deteriorates.

Chinese women’s volleyball is worsening.
The Chinese Volleyball Association
recently published that the women’s volleyball team
will recite Mao’s poems for a week in Fujian.
They hope this “revolutionary education”
will prepare them for the 2012 London Olympics.

Once this story was reprinted by websites, it quickly
attracted heated debates. EaseNet reprinted the news,
and in less than 10 hours more than 6 million people
participated in the discussion.

According to reports, the conference for reciting
“red poetry” is the first of its kind. Not only
in volleyball but also in China’s sport community.

Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily reported that in order to
seek legitimacy, the Chinese Communist Party(CCP)
intended to promote revolutionary events in 2004,
but failed. Since Bo Xilai came to Chongqing,
he turned Chongqing TV into “Red Channel"
and now even traffic police issue red tickets.
Chongqing has now become the “Red City”.

Afterwards, Jinagxi, Hubei, Guangdong
and other Provinces, pushed the “Red Campaign".
This national “Red Campaign" brings back
painful memories of the Cultural Revolution.

China expert Hu Xingdou told Oriental Daily
that the “red tide” cannot establish
modern civilization. Years ago, the “red culture”
was overwhelming, people’s life was difficult.
Nowadays, foreign investments are not affected
by the “Red Movement." However, if it continues,
it may bring a huge negative impact.

Oriental Daily also pointed out that foreign investors
worry most about the stability of the environment.
Strongly enforcing CCP ideology
may cause a divestment tide.

Earlier, authorities in Chongqing strongly promoted
“Sing red, beat corruption”; a large number
of foreign investors withdrew, fearing losses.

Everywhere the “red wind” blew, weird anecdotes
continue to happen and keep people occupied.

From May 3, 2011, all sprinkler trucks
stopped playing “Happy Birthday,” instead playing
“Red Song” in Wuhan City. Authorities claimed
it would prevent drivers from night work fatigue.

Earlier, a mental hospital in Sichuan Province
held a “Red Song Contest". This event was mocked
among Chinese netizens. One netizen said,
“Red songs are only for the mentally ill.”

Last month, in Chongqing Normal University
28 female students dressed as Communist martyr
Sister Jiang (Jiang Zhuyun) and went to visit
the Zhazi Dong prison site. Outsiders questioned
the propaganda nature of this move. And recently,
spoof of Jiang’s pictures also spread fast online.
Worried about the damage to Jiang’s martyr image,
authorities are quick to remove the photos.

NTD reporters Li Qian and Wang Mingyu
