【禁闻】本•拉登死 伤心?仇美?









而1950年至1953年,中共军队介入朝鲜战争,中共宣传是为了“保家卫国”,说 “美帝国主义要侵略中国”等等。


另外,1956年,中共当局还拍摄了韩战电影《上甘岭》,主题歌“我的祖国” 歌词中以‘豺狼’暗讽美国,至今流传。





Bin Laden: “Anti-American Hero”?

The news of Osama bin Laden’s death was greeted
in China by varied reactions from netizens.
Some rejoiced, others mourned the loss of another
“anti-American hero,” revealing the effect
of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)
prolonged anti-American propaganda.

Bin Laden’s death, confirmed by President Obama,
initially shocked Chinese netizens.
According to an online poll conducted by ifeng.com,
only 19% of the 27,000 people surveyed are happy
about bin Laden’s death, while nearly 60% expressed
regrets over the loss of an “anti-American” hero.

Prof. Li Kaisheng at Xiangtan University said
to VOA, that results showed Chinese people’s
sympathy toward anti-Americanism but not terrorism.

Analyst Mo Zhixu believes that CCP’s prolonged
anti-American propaganda has brainwashed
the population and planted in society the ideology
of “class struggle” and “anti-Americanism”
over the past 6 decades.

According to analyst Chen Pokong, the CCP
was tightly connected to bin Laden and al Qaeda
before the 9/11 attack. The CCP is also
in close liaison with Taliban, providing
the organization with weapons and trade deals.

Chen believes the death of bin Laden
greatly weakened international terrorism.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson’s
reluctance of comment reflects the fear of the CCP.

Tang Boqiao, chairman of China Peace,
says that the CCP sees the U.S. as a great enemy,
as the U.S. has been criticizing CCP’s human rights,
from the Tiananmen Square massacre
to the recent democratic movements in China.
Therefore, the CCP deliberately cultivated
anti-Americanism among the Chinese people,
forcing upon them a distorted worldview.

According to “Dissolving the Party Culture”
by Epoch Times, from 1949 to 1959 nearly every town
in China was plastered with slogans that read
“Down with American imperialism,”
fanning hatred toward the U.S.

In China, the U.S. is said to have been
the invader during the Korean War,
with the purpose of invading China.
China’s participation in the Korean War
is depicted as “protecting the homeland.”

Historical documents reveal that the Korean War
was conspired by Stalin and Kim Il Sung;
and China’s participation was to please Stalin.

1956 Chinese film “Battle on Shangganling Mountain”
depicted the Korean War; its theme song,
which remains popular to date,
referred to the U.S. as a “coyote.”

A Chinese netizen commented that the U.S. is great!
Saying it is the embodiment of freedom and justice.

Another netizen suggests on Twitter that the CCP
should be considered the real enemy to humanity.

Netizen: “The CCP is ruling with national terrorism by means
of forced abduction, unlawful adjudication, and
secret agents. It is the new enemy to humanity.”

NTD reporters Tang Rui and Wang Mingyu
